12 Tips for Arguing With Someone Who Is “Always Right”

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Arguing with someone who believes they are always correct can be a daunting task. Whether it’s a partner, a colleague, or a family member, navigating these conversations requires a blend of diplomacy, patience, and strategy. Here are 12 tips to help you promote healthier and more constructive conflict resolution.

Stay Calm and Confident

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Maintaining your composure is not just a strategy; it’s a powerful tool. Staying calm and confident in the face of someone who believes they are always right gives you the upper hand.

When relaxed, you’re more likely to think clearly and respond effectively, feeling empowered and in control of the situation.

Avoid Getting Emotional or Desperate

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Emotions can cloud judgment. Keep your emotions in check to avoid saying things you might regret later. Desperation only weakens your position and may escalate the conflict.

Use Evidence and Facts

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Supporting your points with clear evidence and facts is not just a tactic; it’s a way of showing respect for the other person’s intelligence. This approach is more likely to resonate with someone who thinks they’re always correct, as they often rely on their version of logic.

By presenting facts, you’re arguing and engaging in a respectful and intelligent conversation, making you feel validated and respected.

Acknowledge Their Perspective

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Recognize that no one is infallible. Acknowledging the other person’s perspective can open up the dialogue and create room for compromise.

Avoid Exaggerated Language

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Statements like “you always” or “you never” are rarely accurate and can make the other person defensive. To keep the discussion grounded, stick to specific instances instead of generalizations.

Take Responsibility

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It takes two to argue. Own up to your role in the conflict. Taking responsibility shows maturity and can encourage the other person to do the same.

Pretend to Be Open-Minded

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Nodding and using phrases like “I see” can lower their guard. This tactic can make them more receptive to your points without feeling threatened.

Don’t Interrupt

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Interrupting only fuels the fire. Let them finish their thought before you respond. Understanding their argument fully shows respect and allows you to counter more effectively.

Understand Before Refuting

Courtesy of ponomarencko

Make sure you fully understand their argument before you start refuting it point-by-point. This method shows that you’re listening and prepares you for a more effective response.

Concede When They Make a Valid Point

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If they make a convincing point, acknowledge it. Conceding on valid points rather than digging in your heels can make the conversation more balanced and productive.

Know When to Disengage

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Recognizing when it’s best to step back is essential when arguing with someone who believes they’re always right.

Arguing endlessly is rarely productive and can damage your emotional well-being. If the other person refuses to listen or the argument goes in circles, it’s essential to disengage politely but firmly, preserving your mental and emotional health.

Use Calm Tactics to Frustrate Their Need to “Win”

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Staying calm, agreeing without agreeing, or even acting bored can frustrate their desire to “win” the argument. These tactics can defuse the situation and shift the focus away from conflict.

Arguing with someone who believes they are always right is never easy, but with these tips, you can navigate these tricky conversations more effectively. Remember, the goal is not to win the argument but to achieve a healthier, more constructive resolution.

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