
How to Make Beautiful Homemade Crystals

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The most exciting moments in any science class often come during hands-on experiments. Whether it’s building a volcano or dissecting something unusual, these activities keep us engaged, even if science isn’t our favorite subject.

If you enjoy experimenting with chemistry at home—whether with your kids or just for fun—making your own beautiful crystals is a fantastic project to try.

Creating crystal stars at home is a simple, affordable science experiment that involves using borax to grow stunning crystals. By forming crystals around a star shape, you can produce a dazzling decoration or ornament.

You’ll be amazed by the results of this DIY experiment, and it’s easier than you might think. Follow the step-by-step tutorial below to get started!


  • Pipe cleaners
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Borax
  • Hot Water
  • Glass jars


Step 1: Twist two pipe cleaners together to form a small ball. Attach a third pipe cleaner to the ball, leaving the other half of the third pipe cleaner straight.

Step 2: In a glass jar, add ½ cup of borax. Pour very hot water over the borax and stir until the borax is mostly dissolved.

Step 3: Attach the pipe cleaner ball to a popsicle stick and carefully lower it into the jar, making sure it doesn’t touch the bottom.

Step 4: Leave the jar undisturbed overnight.

When borax is dissolved in water, a suspension is created.  A suspension is a mixture with solid particles {the borax} large enough for sedimentation {settling out}. As the borax begins to settle, it starts to crystalize on all the surfaces it touches – including the pipe cleaner.  As the borax continues to settle out, it builds crystals on top of other borax crystals creating a thick layer.

Step 5: The next day, once the crystals have formed, carefully remove the pipe cleaner from the jar and pat it dry with a paper towel. Trim any excess pipe cleaner, and your crystal creation is ready to enjoy!

We made a few different colors of these crystals, including purple, yellow, and green.

How to Clean the JarsWhen you are finished, you should use boiling water, lemon juice, and vinegar to remove the remaining borax from your glass jars

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