14 Simple Ways to Remove Stubborn Stains from Your Carpets
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One of the most common headaches homeowners have is dealing with carpet stains. From spilled coffee to muddy footprints or pet accidents, most stubborn stains can make the cleanest carpets look dirty and unkempt.
But fear not, you can have those removed in no time with some really simple tricks and basic ingredients you have at home.
Blotting Method
To remove any kind of stain, the first step which needs to be taken is to immediately blot the spill with a clean cloth or tissue paper. Doing so dries up as much liquid into the towels before it reaches the carpet fibers. But remember, blot gently and DO NOT rub the stain as this can ruin carpet fibers or possibly make the stain bigger.
Homemade Carpet Cleaner
Mix white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Apply the solution to a stained area and leave for 5-10 minutes. It is safe to remove ink from a variety of surfaces, as long as you do it gently with a clean cloth or sponge. The acidic nature of vinegar allows it to erase all stains and purify the smell.
Club Soda
To handle hard-dry stains like coffee or wine, pour some club soda directly onto the specific area and let it set for a few minutes. Dab a clean cloth onto the area until it fades away. The carbonation in club soda aids in lifting and loosening the stain.
Baking Soda
Get rid of greasy or oily stains by just sprinkling the soda on top for only 15-20 minutes before vacuuming. The stain will come out just fine with the help of these materials since the baking soda could absorb the oil. And for the really tough ones, make a thick paste using baking soda and water (just add enough water so it turns into a spreadable paste consistency) and apply directly to the stain.
Dish Detergent
You can mix a few drops of mild dish detergent with warm water and blotted onto the stain lightly using a clean cloth or sponge. Flush the area with cold water and try again if necessary. Dish detergent is made to cut grease, which makes it a pretty good cleaner for oily spills on the carpet.
Hydrogen Peroxide
For blood, you might try mixing hydrogen peroxide and liquid dish soap in a spray bottle, using equal parts. Apply the solution to the stain and allow it to dry for 5-10 minutes before blotting the area with a clean cloth. Hydrogen peroxide contains oxygen molecules that lift and break down tough stains.
Shaving Cream
Shaving Cream — Yes, you read that right… Shaving cream can be a surprisingly good stain remover, and according to Wir Reinigen Deinen Teppich, shaving cream is more cost-friendly than carpet cleaners. You want to take shaving cream, and spray it directly onto the stain — let that sit for 30 minutes, then you can blot it with a damp cloth. The foam from the shaving cream helps rise up and remove the stain.
Fresh stains from diarrhea can be sprinkled with salt, then wait a few minutes. The salt will pull in the liquid, which can then be blotted more easily. Then vacuum up the salt and repeat as needed. This type of approach is particularly useful for red wine spillages.
Rubbing Alcohol
Stained with ink or markers, apply the rubbing alcohol on the stain then dab it using a piece of clean cloth. Repeat until the stain is neutralized, then rinse with cold water. Alcohol works by breaking down the pigmentation in the ink, thus making it easier to remove.
Ice Cubes
If wax or chewing gum is stuck to your carpet you can freeze it little bit by putting few ice cubes, and when it hardens – scrape off quite effortlessly. After that, grab a spoon or some other blunt tool to try and scrap away as much of the solid material. Finally, blot any remaining stain with a clean dry cloth.
Make a paste containing milk and cornstarch, then apply it on the stain. Allow it to dry before vacuuming the powder, and repeat if needed. It works wonders with greasy or oily manifestations in carpets.
White Vinegar
White vinegar is another all-round stain remover. This is suitable for everything from grease and oil spotting to pet accidents. A FastKlean publication advises mixing vinegar with water (ratio of 1:1) in a spray bottle and apply to the stain. Keep it for 10-15 minutes and blot it up. If you are sensitive to the smell of vinegar, you can also add a few drops of essential oils in your mixture.
Carpet Stain Remover
If all else fails, you can always resort to a store-bought carpet stain remover. Test on an unseen part first to make sure the solution does not discolor your carpet, and follow the label. These are made specifically to take out the deep stains and can come in handy when you face tougher piss-related situations.