17 Most Useless Things in Your House That Are Just Wasting Space
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Every home has items that serve little to no purpose, often cluttering spaces and gathering dust. These “useless” items, while once purchased with good intentions, now occupy valuable space that could be better utilized. Studies by Regina Lark show that the average household contains over 300,000 items, many of which are rarely used.
In fact, research by the National Association of Professional Organizers suggests that 80% of the items we keep are never used, and the average home has over 40 items that are completely unnecessary. This accumulation leads to clutter and contributes to stress and decreased productivity. Here are the 17 most useless things in your house that are just wasting space
Obsolete Technology
Old technology, from outdated computer parts to VHS players, tends to linger in our homes longer than necessary. These items take up valuable storage space without offering any practical use. Even if you feel nostalgic about that old cell phone or VCR, they’re just contributing to clutter.
If the thought of letting go is difficult, consider photographing these items for memories and then recycling or disposing of them. Your living space will be much more functional and organized without the burden of obsolete tech.
Expired Toiletries
Imagine reaching for your favorite shampoo only to find an old, expired bottle from years ago. Holding onto outdated toiletries doesn’t just clutter your space; it also risks using products with significantly degraded quality.
Those old bottles only gather dust if you love discovering new body washes or shampoos. You’re much more likely to rush-order or run to the store for your current favorites than revert to these relics “just in case.” It’s time to clear out those expired toiletries and make room for products you’ll use and enjoy.
Old/Damaged Pots and Pans
Many home cooks tend to hold on to more pots and pans than they need. Even if you love cooking, there’s a good chance you have some cookware that’s seen better days and are ready for retirement. That non-stick pan with scratches all over it? It’s no longer serving its purpose and should be discarded.
The same goes for any pots missing their lids. It’s time to part with those battered and bruised items cluttering your kitchen cabinets. Keep the high-quality pieces in good condition, and your cooking experience will be much more enjoyable and efficient.
Expired Medications
Take a moment to check your medicine cabinet. Chances are, you’ll find several bottles of expired medications taking up valuable space. These outdated meds are not just ineffective; they could be potentially harmful if used. Medicines like Tylenol and aspirin may lose their potency over time, rendering them useless in addressing your health needs.
Free up some space and ensure your safety by discarding any expired medications. A well-organized medicine cabinet with up-to-date products will make finding what you need when you’re feeling under the weather easier.
Empty Bottles and Jars
It’s tempting to keep empty bottles and jars, hoping they’ll serve a purpose someday. However, they often end up forgotten and consume valuable cabinet space. Yes, some jars can be handy, you don’t need to keep every single one from each jar of tomato sauce you buy.
These items quickly accumulate and deprive you of the space you need for more essential items. Letting go of these unnecessary containers frees up your kitchen and creates a more organized environment.
Junk Mail
Every day, it seems like the mailbox is brimming with junk mail—advertisements, catalogs, and coupons. Although the occasional coupon may be helpful, most of this mail is in the trash. Holding onto it only creates clutter and chaos in your living space.
This also includes old newspapers and magazines because you might revisit them someday. They served their purpose when they were new, but now they’re just taking up space. It’s time to bid farewell these paper nuisances and reclaim your home from unnecessary debris.
Books You’ll Never Read
Books make us feel intellectual and accomplished, but the reality is that many of them go unread. We accumulate them with the best intentions, thinking we’ll get to them eventually. But as they gather dust on the shelves, it’s clear that many of these books will never be opened again.
Take a hard look at your collection and be honest about what you’ll read. Donating or selling books you’ve already enjoyed or know you won’t read can help you create more space and reduce clutter in your home.
Expired Food
Our pantries often become the final resting place for expired food. It’s easy to forget that can of soup or bag of pasta shoved to the back of the shelf. But once food items pass their expiration date, they’re more likely to end up as waste rather than a meal.
If you haven’t used it by now, you never will. Take a few minutes to rummage through your cabinets and clear out anything expired or on the verge of expiring. This frees up space and makes it easier to see and use the fresh ingredients you have.
Cardboard Boxes
The rise of online shopping has turned cardboard boxes into a common fixture in our homes. It’s perfectly acceptable to hold onto a few boxes for returns or storage, but accumulating every single one can quickly become problematic.
They occupy valuable space in closets, garages, and other storage areas. Some even hold onto boxes from bulk purchases at stores like Costco. The reality is that more boxes will always come with future purchases. It’s time to break down those unused boxes and recycle them, making room for items that add value to your life.
Plastic Grocery Bags
Everyone has a stash of plastic grocery bags tucked away somewhere. They multiply like rabbits, filling up drawers and cabinets until they can barely close. You might have kept them around to use them as trash bags or for other DIY projects, but let’s be honest—how many do you need? You’ll feel great relief once you finally toss the excess and reclaim the space. Plastic bags are easy to come by, so hoarding them is unnecessary.
Old Makeup
Holding on to expired makeup is a recipe for disaster. Old makeup occupies valuable space in your makeup bag and can also lose its quality and become a breeding ground for bacteria. Using expired makeup can lead to skin irritation and infection. Clear out your old products to make room for fresh ones that enhance your beauty without risking your health.
Expired Batteries
Although many gadgets now use rechargeable batteries, disposable batteries are still around. You might have a growing pile of assorted batteries in your junk drawer, but these old batteries take up space. Worse yet, as they age, batteries can corrode and leak acid, which can cause damage to your home or even injury. It’s time to properly dispose of those expired batteries and declutter your space.
Although knickknacks may appear charming when purchased, they frequently become mere dust collectors over time. These little trinkets may catch your eye for a while, but eventually, they blend into the background, unnoticed and unappreciated.
Guests rarely pay attention to them unless specifically pointed out, and they can easily make your home look cluttered. Eliminating unnecessary knickknacks can help create a cleaner, more organized living space, allowing the truly meaningful items to stand out.
The Roomba was once hailed as a revolutionary cleaning device but hasn’t quite lived up to the hype. Despite its promise of hassle-free cleaning, it struggles to reach corners and lacks the suction power needed for a thorough cleaning.
A regular vacuum is still necessary to maintain a clean home. Instead of being a reliable helper, the Roomba is another gadget taking up space. Simplify your cleaning routine by sticking to a traditional vacuum and free up some room in your home.
Almost-Used Candles
If you love candles, chances are you have several nearly burned out. These candles aren’t quite used enough to toss but have little life left. Sure, you could melt them down and create a new candle, but who has time for that? Free up your shelves and tables by getting rid of these almost-spent candles. You’ll make room for fresh, new ones that can light up your life.
Take Out Extras
Many people have a drawer overflowing with plastic silverware, soy sauce packets, and napkins from takeout orders. It seems like a good idea to save these items for future use, but they often sit untouched for years. If your collection of restaurant freebies is just taking up space, it’s time to clear them out. You’re likely not saving money by hoarding these items, and you’ll gain valuable kitchen storage space by letting them go.
Out-of-Date Spices
Old spices might not send you to the hospital but can ruin a meal. Spices lose their potency over time, which means using out-of-date spices can make your dishes bland and unappetizing. Take a moment to check the expiration dates on the spices in your cupboard and toss any past their prime. Fresh spices will make your meals more flavorful and enjoyable.
Disclaimer – This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.
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