16 Ways to Keep Your Plants Alive Longer

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Actually, there is nothing as amazing as the ability of plants to enhance the aesthetic value of any place and also create numerous opportunities for enhancing peoples’ lives including; increasing fresh air circulation and reducing stress levels. But to increase the lifespan of your plants doing so requires more than just watering.

If specific care measures that is appropriate for your plants are adopted and favorable growth conditions are provided, then they should be able to grow for years. This document wills guide you through various practical ways of ensuring your plants live healthy and longer and bring natural beauty into your home.

Know Your Plant

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Image Credit: Mokkie/Wikimedia Commons

Not all plants have same requirements; some may require more water, others require different amount of light, humidity, and temperature. When making the decision to buy a new plant, one should spend some time studying its needs. Some plants need to be placed in direct sun while others need to be positioned in a shady place. Knowledge of these differences is crucial in offering your green friends the best care possible.

Water Properly

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Watering is probably one of the most essential things you will need to do when tending to your choice of plants. One thing is certain: it is just as damaging to overwater the plants as to underwater them or even more damaging. The amount of water required in plants differs according to the size of the plant, type of soil, kind of temperature among others. In general, it’s favorable to water the plants in the morning to avoid the strong sunlight from evaporating the moisture with the air before reaching the roots of the plant.

Feed Your Plants

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As stated, the plants also have some basic needs like human beings in terms of nutrients on the plantation. Some soil can offer some of essential minerals but it is usually limited in amount required by plants for their growth. Feeding your plants can aid in replenishing these nutrients and thus the healthy exercising of the plant. But of course, it is necessary to fertilize the plants properly; choose the right type of fertilizer for a specific plant and always follow the instructions not to harm the plants with an excess of fertilizer.

Provide Adequate Light

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According to the National Library of Medicine, Light is an intricate part of life of a plant since it influences photosynthesis which is very vital and it plays a major role in production of food. There are plants that need direct sunlight while there are others that need indirect or filtered sun light. Obviously, to know the amount of light your plant needs to optimally thrive, you should learn about your particular plant type. If you don’t get much natural light in your home, you should consider using artificial grow lights as a supplement.

Monitor Humidity Levels

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Plant humidity since most interiors have different levels of humidity than ideal for plant growth. In general, most plants seem to thrive well when the relative humidity is between 40% and 60%. During the dry winter there is low humidity and you can add to the humidity around planting by the use of a humidifier or a mister. Avoid pouring a large volume of water on the leaves of your plants because this causes mold and similar problems.

Prune Regularly

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According to Joegardner.com, Trimming is important in that it helps to shape your plants, and to prevent diseases from affecting them. It entails the pinching out of old or rotting leaves and second branches to encourage growth of fresh branches and to arrest the disease causing agents.

Keep Your Plants Clean

Woman in Black Long Sleeve Shirt Wiping Dust Off Green Leaf
Photo Credit: Pexels

Dust can accumulate on your plant leaves, reducing the plants chlorophyll manufacturing process thereby leading to pests attacks. To clean your plant’s leaves you should try to wash them using a cloth moistened with water at least once a week to maintain their brilliant colors.

Rotate Your Plants

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Not merely this, the way in which the sun shines sometimes leaves some areas of a plant in the shade for long periods of time, therefore revolving the plants can sure for balanced growth. It also has a good advantage over other types of lighting since it also prevents plants from growing bent to one side because of exposure to uneven light.

Choose the Right Pot

Photo Credit: Pexels/Huy Phan

The type of pot used on your plants greatly affects their health and their ability to live longer. Bear in mind that you need to pick up a pot with right drainage holes since water stagnation in the pot result in the root rot. Also consider using those pots which are transparent metallic or clay and which allow air to circulate by passing through holes towards the centre of the pot.

Don’t Be Afraid to Repot

Photo Credit: Anna Shvets/Pexels

Gardening: new fresh leaves mean the plants may outgrow the pot they are in and need transferring to a new pot. Some of the indications that it is time for your plant to be potted is when the roots begin to grow out from the bottom of the pot or when the foliage it has becomes too much on the top end of the pot making the plant to easily over turn. The best time to transplant is when you find that your plant has outgrown its pot, then it is time to use a slightly bigger pot and fresh soil.

Keep an Eye Out for Pests

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Organic pests’ menace that could harm the plants include aphids, mealybugs, and spider Mites. Check on your plants from time to time, and look out for the first signs of invasion including; wilting or browning off of the leaves, or the presence of webs. In case this happens, treat the pests naturally or with organic pesticides since this will not harm your plant.

Create a Routine

Photo Credit: cottonbro studio/Pexels

People should understand that coming up with a routine to which they have to care for their plants is very important for the health of the plants. It is extremely important to create a routine on how often to water, when to feed your plants, and how often to look for pests. So, if you find it hard to remember you need to water some plants or care for them, you can opt for turning on the reminder or opening a calendar daily.

Adjust for Seasonal Changes

Image Credit:Barescar90 /pixabay

Plants also have their requirement that shift from one season to another. For instance, they may need more amounts of water and light during the vegetation period and less, or no amounts at all during the winter. These changes should be noted, especially for usage in responding to care needs of the plants, all through the season.

Know Your Plant’s Lifecycle

Photo Credit: Pexels/ Elena Golovchenko

All plants goes through its life cycle, which comprises of growing period, flowering stage and even dormant stages. It is also important that you gain knowledge about the life-cycle of every plant which you have so you know what to do for it in that specific period. This knowledge will enable you to understand on how to work with your plants during their different phases.

Practice Pest Management

Parts of Your House That Will Always Fail a Home Inspection
Photo Credit: Pixabay

Apart from mechanical control, it is always advisable for the community to practice structural pest control. This can range from using the natural enemy such as lady bug to controlling insect pests through neem oil sprays. Cleanliness serves as a way of reducing the chances of pests forming a colony in the house, and taking measure can help to control small pest problems from developing larger ones.

Avoid Drafts and Temperature Extremes

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Weather factors such as heat or cold and draughts, can put stress on plants; therefore, they are not healthy. This is the last step in the process of protecting your plants. Place your flowers away from air conditioning vents, heaters, or drafts windows. Stability will ensure that your plants do not undergo stress which is not necessary for growth of the plant.

Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.

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