10 Things You Should Never Display in Your Living Room

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Your living room is the gathering place for family and friends in your home. It is where first impressions are often made. It doesn’t matter if you’re hosting guests or sitting on the couch with a book, this should be a room that feels inviting, stylish, and most importantly comfortable. But there are some things that while harmless, will take away from that inviting atmosphere and leave your space looking crowded and contrived or tacky.

Let’s take a look at what just doesn’t belong in your living room. Allow me to save you from those decorating missteps that could be quietly wrecking the space that you occupy most of the waking hours.

Old, Worn-Out Furniture

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Image credit: Buse D/Pexels

Perhaps it even has sentimental value, but if the sofa is sagging, stained, or beyond recognition, it’s time to have it tossed. Comfort and tiredness don’t match up; the same goes when you have worn-out furniture in your space. If you don’t have the cash to afford a new couch, doing something fresh in your living room will make it feel like new again.

Personal Hygiene Products

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Image Credit: Alesia Kozik/ Pexels

Nobody wants to see your bottle of hand lotion or your nail clippers on your coffee table. In fact, most personal care items shouldn’t found in your living room at all, only in your bathroom or bedroom. Store them out of sight, but easily accessible, as this will keep things tidy.

Excessive Family Photos

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

While it’s lovely to hold onto memories, be mindful that too many photos of your loved ones can make the living room feel cluttered. Go for pool in a hallway or staircase, or pick a few favorite snapshots. Photos in the living room should be less is more.

Unnecessary Knickknacks

Photo credit: Pexels

A few tasteful decorations can help to personalize a room, but too many knickknacks can feel like you’ve walked into the thrift store. Be selective as to what items you display and choose items that have a story or contribute to the over all design of the room. In this way your space will remain stylish, and not over powering.


Photo credit: confused_me/Pexels

If your living room isn’t also a hunting lodge then forgo the taxidermy displays. Animal heads, or other creatures on the wall, can confer a dated, uncomfortable look, inferior to the dynamic of most modern homes. Then opt for artwork, or a statement mirror, rather than something that’s going to shock everyone.

Outdated Electronics

Photo Credit: Pexels

Think back to that huge entertainment system 15 years ago? Yeah, that’s got to go. The electronics in your living room, no matter if it’s old fashioned TVs or a heap of unused DVD players, can really make your living room feel stuck in the past. Swap them for sleeker, more modern versions, or better, remove them entirely for a cleaner look.

Too Many Cords

Flay Lay Of Wires And Cables
Photo credit: Hana Brannigan/Pexels

Electronics have tangled cords that when run through a sleek living room can make it look a mess. They aren’t only annoying to look at, but they can also be a tripping hazard as well. If you don’t have a budget for sound masking devices, then invest in some cable management solutions to tuck those eyesores away and keep things looking tidy and organized.

Over-the-Top Themes

Photo Credit: Pexels

It’s nice to have your style, but jumping in whole hog onto such a design theme can be blinding in a space. Nautical or overly rustic, whether with plaid and antlers, or with ship wheels and ropes, too much of anything is a bad thing. Subtle and balanced themes are the way to keep your room from feeling kitschy and cohesive.

Exercise Equipment

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

It’s great you’re working out, but your living room isn’t the place to park your treadmill or dumbbells. Spaces can become cramped and chaotic when it’s filled with fitness gear. Keep the things visually tidy, and find a less clutter decorated area in your room like a corner or a room that you can shift the things into.

Controversial or Political items

Stickers with I voted inscription and flag of USA
Photo credit: Element5 Digital/Pexels

It’s good to have your own beliefs but if you put political or controversial things in your living room, guests may not be comfortable and it’ll be causing unnecessary tension. Store these things in a private place so they do not mess up the welcoming atmosphere you would want to put in your home.

Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.

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