15 Things That Attract Rodents to Your Yard

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Pests can cause simple irritations, carry diseases, and damage your home. You may not observe them as they are right in your yard, but your yard continues to host them without your knowledge.

Depending on the availability of food and access to nesting sites, there are a number of reasons that makes your backyard attractive to rodents. The enumerations below are some of the attractants that you need to address using correct measures that can help prevent these pests from invading your space.

Available Food Sources

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Rodents are omnivores, so any food in your yard that can be easily accessed by these creatures will lure them. Things such as pet food left outdoors, bird seed on the ground, or fruit that has dropped and is rotting on the ground. They can be easily attracted by food crumbs from barbecue events held outside the house and keeping all these food sources away would go a long way in preventing the pests.

Open Trash Cans

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Rodents can be found searching for food particles in the bin, so open or partially closed trash cans are easy targets. They can chew through plastic bags and containers, which means your trash is a free meal. Bins should be conveniently sealed and if possible raised off the ground. The addition of a rodent-proof lid can work wonders.

Standing Water

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All rodents require water, and one way to make your yard irresistible is to have standing water around. Logs that sink in water can be used to find them at puddles, birdbaths, and even clogged gutters. When you frequently inspect your premises and eradicate any source of stagnant water, you will not find them around. Even if a small stream of water comes from an outdoor faucet, it will be enough to draw them in.

Compost Piles

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Image Credit: Eva Bronzini/ Pexels

Composting is one of the best things to do for your garden; unfortunately, it draws rodents if not managed correctly. Attracting rodents is easy if you toss fresh food wastes in an uncovered bin, the ultimate thing is to cover your compost and do not use meats, dairy, or greasy foods. Turning the compost will also reduce the smells and reduce the frequency of pest invasions.

Overgrown Grass and Weeds

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Rodents like to hide in tall grass and thick weeds because predators cannot easily notice them. If your yard has some overgrown section, you should know it may be providing them with the right hiding place. Mowing your lawn, removing debris, and doing other things to maintain a neat yard discourage pests from invading in search of hiding places.

Wood Piles and Debris

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Wood piles and stacks of debris are perfect breeding grounds for rodents. They offer shelter. If you have piles of firewood or other material stored beside or behind your house, ensure they are stacked off the ground and at some distance from your home. Hence the more you clear your compound the bigger chances you stand of getting rid of pests since they have nowhere else to run.

Bird Feeders

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Bird feeders are made for the birds but some pests like squirrels, are also tricked into coming around especially when the seeds that have fallen around the feeders. Birds will be happy with the easy feed and pests will equally not hesitate to take advantage of any dropped bird seeds. To reduce this, ensure that feeders manufactured are spill proof and ensure that the floors under these feeders are cleaned frequently.

Fruit Trees and Vegetable Gardens

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Since rats and mice eat plants, its important to note that people with gardens or trees bearing fruits should ensure they control them well. Squashed fruit on the floor or unripe vegetables on the field can attract the attention of the pests and foraging rodent. Pick up fruits which have fallen to the ground as soon as possible and try to enclose your garden area. This will make it impossible for the pests and rodents to reach your crops and there by reducing their intrusion into your field.

Unsecured Outdoor Pet Food

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Photo Credit: MART PRODUCTION/Pexels

Either placing the pet food in bowls or even placing the food in a bag outside can easily attract pests. When feeding your pets outside ensure that you clear up the leftovers after by cleaning it. Feeding pets indoor in airtight containers helps so that pests like rats do not make it their next place to feed from.

Dense Shrubbery and Bushes

View of a White Wooden Fence and a Large Pink Rosebush
Photo Credit: Dalia Al-Refai/Pexels

These small pests prefer to hide in shrubs, and wherever there is growth of shrubs and bushes, they are certain that predators cannot attack them. Overgrown plants around your house, especially those at the compound fence, are good hiding places. Mowing the lawn and removing debris around your house will keep pests away from your yard. This will also help minimize the chances of rodent invasion indoors.

Leaky Pipes or Dripping Faucets

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A dripping pipe or a minor leak outside the house is enough to bring pests as they are attracted to moisture. They can be found around any source of clean water, fresh water, and are especially attracted to dripping hoses, faucets, and pipes. Minimizing chances of pests accessing your outdoor plumbing includes inspecting your plumbing often for signs of leaking and fixing them immediately. A dry yard is much less suitable for them to nest in it.

Unprotected Garden Sheds

Country Garden and a Shed
Photo Credit: Pexels

Pests like rodents are sneaky animals that can enter your home through small spaces; an unsealed garden shed is a perfect place for them to make a new home. Make sure that there are no gaps and even if there was one it should be closed, do not let any pests enter your shed. Storing tools and supplies in an appropriate manner also helps remove nesting chances.

Cluttered Yards

Boxes over the Wooden Porch
Photo Credit: Ivan Samkov/Pexels

Any clutter in the yard is enough to provide shade and good shelter for pests. Things like discarded furniture, damaged tools or equipment or a heap of garbage provide refuge to pests. These are the kind of places where these pests can easily hide. So getting rid of them by cleaning your yard and trashing discarded items will go a long way in aiding the process. If your yard is full of clutter and debris, you will likely be attracting pests to invade your property.

Unmaintained Fences

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Damaged fences also create a passage way for the pests since a fence may have a small section that is opened or may be torn. These are aspects that they will exploit to easily enter and exit unnoticed. One way of how to prevent the presence of pests is by checking your fence and if there are gaps repair them. Maintenance of the fence can be reinforced by installing a rodent-proof barrier at the base of the fence.

Nesting Materials

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Chimney rats and other rodents will utilize any material they come across when constructing their nests such as grass clipping, leaves, and insulation. When these materials are dumped in heaps around your yard, they can easily be picked to be used for nesting. By frequently raking the fallen leaves together with other yard wastes, these resources will not be easily available. This is a way of avoiding having the rodents settle down in your yard since you keep the place clean.

Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.

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