14 Garden Plants That Can Cause Breathing Problems for Allergic Individuals
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Millions of people worldwide have some form of allergy. Most allergies are well known and caused by pollen, dust or pet dander, but plants too can be another culprit. Some plants in the garden are especially dangerous for those allergic to them and can actually cause breathing problems.
Whether you’re an avid gardener or enjoy spending time outdoors in nature, if you come across the following garden plants, know that they can cause breathing problems for allergic people.
The popular big-leaf hydrangea is known for its massive blooms. However, their pollen can aggravate respiratory symptoms like sneezing and coughing in allergic people. If you are allergic to hydrangeas, it would be a good idea to keep them in an area of the garden that is less frequented to reduce the risk of exposure.
Ragweed is seen in gardens and open spaces around North America. There are seasonal allergies running, with the pollen that its trees produce, and it makes people have a red runny nose as well as swelling of itchy eyes. Ragweed pollen can cause breathing problems even in people that are not so allergic to ragweed but prone to asthma or other respiratory issues.
Wisteria is a blooming vine that is common in beautiful gardens and parks. Though its aromatic blossoms are delightful, they can also be a burden for those people vulnerable to allergies. Pollens in Wisteria can result in breathing problems, particularly for people with asthma or other respiratory diseases.
Eucalyptus is one of the most common trees that people think of when they are considering alternatives to pills and other medications. Well, it is worth noting that there are people who are allergic to Eucalyptus leaves or their essential oils. People suffering from this may feel breathing difficulties like short breath and coughing.
You can see Juniper everywhere in gardens and other landscapes. According to Aspire Allergy, for those concerned, the pollen can cause major allergies, such as trouble breathing. If you are allergic to juniper, do not work or be near the area of the plant in your garden.
The yucca plant is a plant native to hot and dry regions, so it is commonly used as an ornamental in gardens. At the same time, its white flowers can cause people with allergies to have difficulty breathing. Avoiding exposure to yucca plants, and to wear protective clothing when working with it will help reduce risk of ill-respiratory symptoms.
This western Goldenrod is one of the plant’s many varieties, native to both Eurasia and North America. It grows fast and has bright yellow blooms with a lot of pollen, which causes allergies such as hay fever (sneezing, congestion, and breathing difficulty) for those sensitive to it.
Chrysanthemums (mums), with their numerous colors and attractive fragrance, are well-known garden flowers. People may have trouble breathing if they inhale chrysanthemums pollen. If you know you have an allergy to this plant, do not plant it in the garden or handle it without gloves.
Azaleas plants bloom and can make your yard look alive with color but also cause you a runny nose, congestion, and other breathing symptoms if you have allergies. Reducing exposure to azalea pollen can minimize the chances of experiencing trouble breathing.
Lilies are one of the garden favorites for their impeccable sweet scent, but they are also a serious troublemaker for people with allergies. Their pollens cause respiratory irritations, shortness, and sudden asthma attacks. If lilies are one of the plants you’re allergic to, plant them in areas you do not frequently visit and walk past in your garden.
Sunflowers are an iconic bright yellow garden plant with large heads of huge, fluffy blossoms. The only downside is that their pollen can pose an issue for allergy sufferers. For those with respiratory issues, you should opt for sunflowers low in pollen or choose the dwarf non-flowering varieties.
Poison Ivy
Poison Ivy is a plant that causes an allergic reaction to the skin, as a Mayo Clinic publication attests. For allergy sufferers, its pollen can also cause breathing difficulties. Poison ivy blossoms can funnel pollen into the wind, leading to coughing and wheezing if breathed. Wear protective clothing while gardening if you have a known allergy to Poison Ivy.
Jasmine, the plant that yields both jasmine flowers and the essential oil, is a fragrant vine that can be cultivated in gardens. Jasmine pollen or oils could cause breathing concerns in some people, though it is known mainly for how good it smells.
Dandelions are common weeds in your garden and yard. Though unwanted due to their invasive nature, they can also result in respiratory symptoms such as cough and wheezing for those allergic to pollen. Routine weeding can help to limit exposure to dandelion pollen.
Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.
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