13 Easy Fruits You Can Grow in Your Backyard Right Now

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Gardening is really good, and when you get to harvest your fresh juicy fruits all from your backyard, its just so fun. The good news? It doesn’t take the arrival of spring, or weeks of green thumb experience to get started! When given a bit of care, patience, and sunshine, you can grow a variety of delicious fruits that are a surprisingly low maintenance. Picture yourself enjoying the tastes of a ripe sun-ripened strawberry…or the freshness of a crisp apple, all from your own garden.

Some fruits you can grow in the home garden, whether you’re a gardening novice or you want to expand your backyard crop. These easy to grow fruits bring flavor to your plate without much fuss, from container friendly choices to fast growing favorites. These are some backyard fruits you want to start sooner.


Photo Credit: Pexels

Strawberries make great beginner fruit. You can plant them almost anywhere with a bit of sun, and pots, hanging baskets or straight in the ground they will grow well. Also, they’re quick to fruit, sometimes as fast as just a few months. Ever bearing varieties will give you multiple harvests through the season plus. Nothing compares to the delight of a fresh in the field grown strawberry!


Photo Credit: Pexels

Blueberries make a great choice if your soil is somewhat acidic. Both are fairly compact and easy to grow; therefore, they are great for small space or containers. These plants will produce juicy berries year after year with very little maintenance once they’re established. Just watch for birds—these little guys love blueberries as much as you do.


Photo Credit: Pixabay

Raspberries are hardy and low maintenance, so gift to your backyard to cannabis friendly plants. They also like room, but they grow in brambles, so give them some room, and they are worth it. Prune every year with just a little extra care, and you’ll reap a bountiful harvest of sweet, tangy berries which are delicious for snacking, baking or even jam making.


Images credit: Pixabay

Apple trees are stubborn, but they’re also a classic backyard fruit worth waiting for. Different dwarf varieties can be grown in pots so people in smaller yards will have fresh apples too. Some variety of apple will bear fruit in such short time as just a few years, and apple with crisp fresh taste is so worthy harvest.


15 Fruits You Should NEVER Refrigerate
Image provided by:Marco Antonio Victorino

Biting into a ripe peach says summer and growing them at home is a bit easier than you think. Peaches dwarf trees can be grown in a pot and grown in sunny spots with good well drained soil. And these don’t take long to mature, so you’ll be eating homegrown peaches before you realize it.


15 Fruits You Should NEVER Refrigerate
Image provided by:Tiana

They are also another excellent choice for home gardeners. These are hardy, easy to care for and you can select dwarf varieties if there’s restricted space. They just need a sunny spot and you watch them grow. Beautiful blossoms appear on pear trees in spring, which give a touch of charm to your backyard.


Photo Credit: _Alicja/Pixabay

Cherry trees are lovely trees if you have room, and you can even get the roots in a pot. Sweet cherry varieties such as Bing or Rainier are classic easy to grow, but some varieties may need a partner tree for cross pollination. On the other hand, sour cherries are self fertile and make great baking cherries. Either way, you’ll end up with a bowl of cherries sooner or later!


Photo Credit: Pexels

Grapes are also a great DIY project for people who love a little project. They grow on vines that can be trained along fences or trellises, and aren’t too demanding with space. Grapevines are more delicate plants than, say a magnolia, and require a little help in the form of pruning and support to produce clusters of juicy grapes which you can munch on fresh or dried or even ferment if you’re feeling adventurous.


Photo Credit: Pexels

As low maintenance as they are, Figs are surprisingly easy to grow and do great in really warm climates. They’re pretty forgiving when it comes to soil and water requirements, too, and you can grow them in large containers or in the ground. Fresh, ripe figs hardened in the sun are as sweet and nutritious as they are tasty.


Photo Credit: Pixabay

There’s nothing better than lemon trees for home gardeners, particularly for those in warmer climates. The smaller, Meyer lemon is popular, and grows easily indoors with enough light. One whiff of lemon blossoms is worth it, and knowing you have fresh lemons to use in cooking and drinks is just a bonus.


15 Fruits You Should NEVER Refrigerate
Image provided by:Polina Tankilevitch

Plums are relatively easy to grow and are very resistant. There are different varieties you can choose according to your climate. Strawberries require much less attention: They mature from seed and are fairly disease resistant as long as they’re kept out of hot, sunny spots that are often subject to summer droughts and make for poor soil drainage. Once they start producing, you’ll have more plums than you know what to do with — perfect for making preserves, pies, or just eating fresh.


Photo Credit: Nghia .8pm/Pexels

For a tropical twist use pineapples! They’re surprisingly space hogs and can grow in pots, which would make them ideal for sunny backyards. Plant the top of a store-bought pineapple and, with a little patience, you’ll have a taste of the tropics right in your own backyard.


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Photo Credit: Brittany Corley/ Pexels

Mulberries are a fast growing tree and they produce very large berries. When established, they’re hardy and simple to care for. The deep purple berries can make things a bit messy (stained fingers!), but they are definitely worth it for their great taste. Just be prepared to get them stained too.

Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.

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