11 Garden Hacks That Look Great on Instagram but Don’t Work in Real Life

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There’s one of those timeless hobbies that’s been passed down from generation to generation and that is gardening. It’s also blossomed on Instagram in recent years, thanks to a blend of beautiful photos and clever ‘hacks’ that promise stunning results with very little effort. As you scroll through Instagram’s lush feed, you might see a variety of gardening tips that make you think, “Is it really that easy?” And who doesn’t want a picture perfect garden that looks like it came from a magazine spread? The problem is, some of these trendy tricks look great in photos, but not so great in real life gardens.

Let’s look at some of the most popular Instagram gardening tricks that while visually appealing, don’t quite work as well as they claim. This list will save you some time and effort if you’re an enthusiastic gardener looking for practical results.

How to Create DIY Concrete Planters

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Photo Credit: Marc Majcher/Flickr

Concrete planters are nice, clean lines, modern vibes, and they look pretty on your Instagram feed. Creating them yourself can be a messy and frustrating task. Constructing concrete is not as easy as it may seem. DIY concrete projects frequently fail because the concrete breaks or cracks soon after it is complete. If you don’t want to risk a Pinterest fail, buy ready made concrete planters, or something more forgiving, such as ceramic.

Painting Rocks to Deter Pests

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Image Credit: [email protected]/Deposit Photos

The idea is that brightly painted rocks that look like fruits, such as strawberries, might look fun and whimsical in the garden, but that they’ll also trick pests to stay away. However, most garden pests, like birds, don’t last long fooled by painted rocks. In truth, these brightly painted stones may be even more conspicuous. If you’re dealing with critter problems, stick with netting or natural deterrents, and stay away from the faux fruit approach.

Self Watering Bottle Planters DIY

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

This one sounds clever: putting an inverted bottle into a plant pot to make a self watering system. The idea is that water will drip out of the soil as it dries. In practice however, it’s not consistent. Either the bottle will release too much water at once or too little, leaving your plant either water logged or parched. If you’re really into automated plant hydration, consider a store bought self watering pot instead.

Vertical Gardens With Shoe Organizers

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Shoe organizers hung with soil and plants look great on a wall, giving small spaces a green touch. But shoe organizers are not built for drainage, and waterlogging and root rot can result. It may also be that the fabric just grows old over time and becomes more prone to sagging or tearing, particularly when it’s hit with the sun. If you’re determined to go vertical, get planters with proper drainage to keep your plants healthy.

Succulents in Seashells

Green Succulent Plant on Brown Wooden Table
Photo Credit: Pexels

If you love planting succulents, you may have considered planting mini succulents in seashells, which would make for a charming look that’s also perfect for Instagram photos. But seashells don’t have drainage holes and succulents don’t like extra water. These delicate plants can quickly rot out of their shells without the right setup. The best way to go is to use small ceramic or clay pots that will drain excess water.

Eggshell Seed Starters

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Image Credit: Eva Bronzini/Pexels

Decorate eggshells with paint or markers and they make cute little seed starters. But they’re not practical for serious planting. Eggshells are too small for many seedlings to grow, and transplanting tiny plants out of them is a tricky business without damaging the roots. But biodegradable seedling pots are a practical solution that allows you to plant without disturbing the roots.

Crushing Eggshells to Cover the Ground With in Order to Repel Slugs

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

A common Instagram tip for keeping slugs at bay is using crushed eggshells, but it doesn’t work very well. The supposed sharp edges on the eggshells do little to deter slugs from crawling over them. If you are having slug problems in your garden, copper tape, diatomaceous earth, and other tried and true methods will work better than anything else.

Putting Ice Cubes on Orchids

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Image Credit: Enrique Zafra/Pexels

Placing a couple of ice cubes on an orchid may look cute and easy, but it is something you would think will slowly release water, when the plant needs it. Tropical orchids don’t like cold water on their roots, even orchids in general don’t like cold water on their roots. It can damage them over time. If you want your orchids to live, room temperature water and a gentle soaking are much kinder options.

Mason Jar Herb Gardens

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Mason jars filled with herbs are beautiful kitchen displays, but they are not practical for growing herbs. Mason jars do not have drainage, which is necessary to have healthy roots, and they will become waterlogged quickly. Small jars also limit the amount of space the herbs have to really grow and root. When you want a functional herb garden, choose pots with drainage holes and enough space.

Coffee Grounds Everywhere

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Coffee grounds are the new miracle fertilizer. Spreading them around won’t hurt plants such as azaleas or blueberries that like acidic soil, but they can do more harm than good. If you overdo it, coffee grounds can make a dense layer that blocks out the moisture from reaching the soil. They may also draw in pests or mold. If you want to reuse the coffee grounds, compost them first and then use the resulting compost sparingly.

Vibrant Blooms Using Food Coloring in Water

Photo Credit: Skoot13/Wikimedia Commons

Another popular online idea is to add food coloring to water to make pretty flowers, but most plants won’t work with this method. Some cut flowers, such as white carnations, will take on color, but living plants rarely absorb enough dye to really change. It’s also not great for the health of the plants in the long term – it’s not good to add foreign substances to plant water. Instead, try planting vibrant varieties for a burst of natural colour.

Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.

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