10 Weird Things in Your Kitchen That Are Spoiling Your Food

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Few things are more central to life than the food we eat, whether you prepare it yourself or someone cooks for you. We make every effort to prepare our meals liberally, cleanly pigging out on well-prepared, nourishing and safe food. However, inspite of best practices previously mentioned; some concealed enemies in kitchen can spoil your food.

From storing improperly to expired, here are ten weird things can spoil your food in the kitchen.

Freezer Burn

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Freezer Burn is what happens when food is left in the freezer for months, and ice crystals start to form. In a nutshell, your food has dehydrated itself through air contact. And this loss leads to food that is at best very dry, and tough, and pretty unappealing. Wrap your food well or place in proper airtight containers before freezing to prevent freezer burn.


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While garlic seems like a miracle ingredient, you need to know how to store it correctly. Otherwise, it will damage other food. Garlic gives off sulfur compounds that can cause potatoes, onions, and other root vegetables to sprout faster, even making them spoil. Store garlic far away from these ingredients.


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Onions can spoil other foodstuffs that they come into contact with. They release ethylene gas to ripen fruits and vegetables, making them decompose faster. This problem can be eliminated by putting onions away from a place where other produces are kept.


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While apples make a great healthy snack, they release ethylene gas into the air as they ripen. If stored with other produce, this gas can cause quicker spoilage of other fruit and vegetables. Keep them separated: To keep apples the longest, put them in separate containers or drawers.


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This summer fruit can ruin other foods if left together. Just like apples, melons discharge ethylene gas so they should be stored separately from all other produce to keep them from ripening past its prime.


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Look, I know your kitchen sponge seems innocuous, but it might be carrying around food spoilage bacteria and causing a stinky mess. Your sponge should be replaced regularly or at least washed each time with hot water and soap. After using it, thoroughly wipe it off and dry it to prevent any bacteria from growing.

Kitchen Towels

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According to U.S News & World Report, kitchen towels may seem harmless but are bacteria breeding ground that can ruin your food. Clean your kitchen towels with hot water to kill germs, and use them only once. You should also not use the same towel for drying dishes and cleaning countertops.

Cutting Boards

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If not maintained, cutting boards used for more than cutting meats and vegetables can result in food contamination with bacteria. A USDA publication advises that you always cut meats and produce on separate boards and wash them with hot, soapy water after every use.

Unsealed Containers

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Correctly store the rest of the food so that it does not spoil. However, food spoils more quickly if the containers are not sealed properly on the covers, as bacteria can enter. Store the leftovers in air-tight containers or wrap them with plastic and leave them in the fridge.

Dirty Fridge

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The majority of the perishable foods stored in your refrigerator make a perfect environment for microbes as they are all food items. Above all, if you do not clean your refrigerator from time to time, it will be in worse condition. Once a month, wipe down your fridge with hot, soapy water and purge all expired perishables. And always clean up spills or leaks straight away.

Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.

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