12 Proven Aphrodisiacs Recommended by Scientists

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Aphrodisiacs are foods or medications that stimulate the arousal of sexual instinct, elicit desire, or improve sexual enjoyment or performance. Numerous pharmacological products are on the market and offered expressly to increase libido.

However, some individuals prefer natural alternatives because they are frequently less damaging and have fewer side effects. It’s imperative to remember that many aphrodisiacs lack scientific backing and that certain natural ingredients may have negative effects. See your doctor before using any supplements.


Proven Aphrodisiacs Recommended by Scientists
Image Credit: Image credit goes to Crissti09

This is a common subject in publications about aphrodisiac foods published online. Why? It is said that taking 1.5 to 3.5g of maca per day for two to twelve weeks may increase libido.

Interestingly, the sweet root vegetable maca is referred to as The Peruvian Viagra in South America, where it is frequently utilized as a fertility enhancer. Most of the strength is thought to be in the roots because they are so rich in fiber and magnesium, which might enhance general well-being and stamina.


Proven Aphrodisiacs Recommended by Scientists
Image Credit: Image credit goes to Kmtextor

Yes, you read correctly—some individuals claim that chilies assist in improving matters in the bedroom. In reality, the burst of endorphins that the capsaicin in chilies produces after consumption can cause people to feel like they’re on a “chilli high.”

Some research has demonstrated that eating spicy chilies may heat things up by producing endorphins, raising your heart rate, metabolism, and speed.

Ginkgo Biloba

Proven Aphrodisiacs Recommended by Scientists
Image Credit: Image credit goes to Krzysztof Ziarnek Kenraiz

It may sound a little strange, but the Ginkgo biloba tree—one of the oldest tree species and the leading supplier of this herbal supplement—is the source of the name.

Because it helps relax blood vessels and enhance blood flow, it is thought to have aphrodisiac characteristics and has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine to support sexual function.


Proven Aphrodisiacs Recommended by Scientists
Photo provided by Vie Studio

Chocolate includes feel-good elements in addition to its great flavor and potential to make us feel good if we have a chance to get it as a gift from a loved one. Among these is theobromine, a stimulant related to caffeine that increases mood and functions similarly to caffeine.

In addition to theobromine, phenethylamine, which may similarly release endorphins and cause a dopamine surge, is also present in chocolate.


 Proven Aphrodisiacs Recommended by Scientists
Image Credit: Image credit goes to Elle Hughes

Since we mentioned them at the outset, it would be impossible for us to omit them from the list, could it? Some people vouch for the aphrodisiac properties of oysters, while others dismiss them as something of an old wives’ tale.

It all comes down to what we just mentioned: some aphrodisiac foods may be effective for certain persons but not necessarily for others. Oysters have been praised as a “love food” partly because of their high zinc content. Zinc has been connected to increased sperm production and fertility, especially in males. Additionally, oysters include vital amino acids that support healthy sexual activity in general.

Red Ginseng

Proven Aphrodisiacs Recommended by Scientists
Image Credit: Image credit goes to Francois Nguyen

Other herbs with aphrodisiac properties are utilized in Chinese medicine besides ginkgo biloba. Numerous studies have been conducted on the aphrodisiac properties of red ginseng, and some have found that it improves erectile function more than a placebo.

However, a different research discovered that it could raise menopausal women’s level of sexual arousal. For four to twelve weeks, subjects in most trials consumed 1.3 to 3g of red ginseng daily.


Proven Aphrodisiacs Recommended by Scientists
Image Credit: Image credit goes to Any Lane

Watermelon has a reputation for being a food aphrodisiac, even though most of us may think of it as a fruit that helps us remain hydrated and cool down when on vacation. In addition to having a high water content, watermelons are a great source of citrulline, a non-essential amino acid that has the same effects as Viagra and other erectile dysfunction medications on our blood vessels, boosting blood flow and arousal.

The juicy, fleshy section we usually consume is not where most citrulline is found. We thought you should know this if you intend to stock up on watermelons!


Proven Aphrodisiacs Recommended by Scientists
Image Credit: Image credit goes to Aphiwat Chuangchoem

The power of asparagus to intensify love is not a recent discovery. In fact, before the 19th century, French men were said to have eaten it three times a day to assist in stimulating their sex drive.

Why is asparagus used? It just so happens to be packed with nutrients—like potassium, vitamin B, and E—known to stimulate sex.


Image Credit: Image credit goes to Ivar Leidus

Avocados are next on the list of colorful green foods that help elevate our moods, followed by asparagus stems. This results from their high mineral content, monounsaturated fat (healthy fat), and vitamin B6 and E content.

In case you were unaware, Vitamin E is frequently called the “sex vitamin” due to its ability to stimulate the synthesis of sex hormones that elevate feelings of attraction, desire, and mood. These healthy ingredients and high quantities of Omega-3 fatty acids are claimed to be natural mood enhancers and some of the primary causes of heightened energy and more active libido.


Proven Aphrodisiacs Recommended by Scientists
Image Credit: Image credit goes to Augustus Binu

Do you know how aphrodisiacs get their name from the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite? As far as legend goes, the goddess planted the first pomegranate tree ever. Pomegranates are frequently connected to female fertility because of the abundance of seeds within the fruit and its deep crimson hue.

Pomegranates have aphrodisiac properties because they contain many antioxidants that lower inflammation and prevent plaque from accumulating in our arteries. Thus, increased blood flow to all body parts, including the genitalia, may result from this.

Red wine

Proven Aphrodisiacs Recommended by Scientists
Image Credit: Image credit goes to Grape Things

Crimson wine may be alluring, especially because of its rich, deep hue. However, red wine’s potent antioxidant resveratrol can lower inflammation and increase blood flow throughout the body.

It makes blood platelets less sticky, keeping blood arteries flexible and open and enhancing blood flow to the brain and other organs. Moreover, it contains blueberries, cranberries, mulberries, lingonberries, peanuts, pistachios, and red and purple grapes.


Image Credit: Image credit goes to Pikwizard

Of all the nuts, why pistachios?

Well-posed query. Among their many other health advantages, they lower blood pressure and the risk of heart disease. They also purport to aid in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

According to the National Institutes of Health, The Pistachio Diet Improves Erectile Function Parameters; pistachios help lower blood cholesterol and increase blood flow. These two advantages have been associated with a possible ability to address erectile dysfunction problems.

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