15 ‘Polite’ Habits That Actually Annoy Most People
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Being courteous is a vital characteristic in life, and people like interacting with those who have attended a reputable manners school. However, have you ever encountered people who take manners too far—to the point that it is irritating? Depending on the situation and cultural standards, certain courteous actions might become annoying, particularly if they seem forced or hypocritical.
Here are several behaviors that are meant to be nice but might sometimes come off as more bothersome than polite, whether you or a loved one exhibits these characteristics.
Saying, “Bless You”
Although it’s courteous to wish someone well and recognize their suffering when they sneeze, saying “Bless you” might occasionally irritate others. The phrase’s religious overtones or the disruption of their sneezing may not be to everyone’s taste.
They could also think it’s repetitious or needless, particularly if they sneeze repeatedly. Try saying something more neutral or unique, like “Gesundheit” or “Are you OK?” instead of “Bless you.”
Being Too Quiet
Being quiet is a polite way to avoid disturbing others and listen attentively, but sometimes it can be annoying. Some people may find it hard to communicate with or get to know you if you are too quiet.
They may also think that you are bored, shy, or rude. Instead of being too quiet, try to speak up and join the conversation. Share your thoughts and opinions, ask questions, and make comments.
Showing up early
You may decide to arrive early simply to be safe, as you know that arriving late to a gathering is impolite and unwise. Perhaps you believe this behavior makes you the honored visitor, particularly if you assist while you’re there. However, your host is undoubtedly irritated by this “polite” tendency. They probably aren’t prepared for and don’t want visitors before 6:00, so you are invited to arrive then.
Don’t arrive before the scheduled start time unless the host has specifically asked you to be early to assist. And sure, that implies it’s OK to arrive a bit “late.” Grotts states, “It’s courteous to arrive on time, but even more courteous to give your host a few minutes.”
Replying With “K”
Although email and texting are rapid and effective means of communication, some people may find them impolite or impersonal. Replying with “K” or “OK” is among the most irritating things you can do. This might be seen as a lack of interest in the discussion, a sign of annoyance or anger, or a dismissal of the other person.
Try using whole phrases or sentences rather than just one letter in your comments. Use punctuation or emoticons to express your tone and feelings.
Backseat Driving
You most likely already know deep down that it is inappropriate to reprimand someone else’s driving even as you are doing it.
Although you may believe you are being helpful, you tell the driver that you don’t trust them to bring you there securely. Don’t share your would-be driving instructor habits with others unless you detect a severe risk.
Showering Compliments
Receiving compliments may be challenging. They may appear to be the height of civility at first glance. However, they can appear in a variety of ways. It’s appropriate to give compliments, but how you deliver them matters a lot. For instance, people may feel awkward or even objectified when they get praise specifically for their beauty.
Even if you intend well, there are situations where overly straightforward might appear offensive. Consider it before you commend someone on anything, especially their looks. Getting a compliment in front of a large group might be difficult.
Offering to Pay
It’s kind to offer to pay for someone else’s food, drink, or ticket, but occasionally, it might be inconvenient. Some individuals could think you’re attempting to bribe, impress, or flaunt your money. They could also feel obligated or guilty toward you.
Only offer to pay if you ask the individual out or if you have a close relationship with them to prevent negative emotions. Respect their decision if they insist on covering their costs or sharing the tab.
You were undoubtedly taught in infancy that one-word responses are rude. However, occasionally, you may find yourself overcorrecting and giving up too much personal information when someone asks you a question. Perhaps you genuinely detest small conversations and believe coming off as “genuine” is preferable.
However, the other person can disagree, and revealing too much information can be offensive. When views are involved, in a professional situation, or when meeting someone for the first time, you should exercise extra caution while reacting in this manner.
Giving Unsolicited Advice
Giving advice may seem nice and helpful to you, but everyone might not appreciate it. They could think you’re criticizing them, meddling, or casting doubt on their skills.
It’s best to keep your opinions and advice to yourself until specifically asked. Before offering advice, determine whether they approve it if you want assistance.
Stacking finished plates
This etiquette applies whether you’re hosting a dinner party at home or in a restaurant. It may seem like a sweet gesture to stack or clear the dishes of guests who have done dining, particularly if you are hosting.
And it generally is, unless there’s still food on someone else’s plate. It is impolite to start cleaning up while someone is still eating since it might give the impression that you are hurrying them. Moreover, stacking the dishes might still create the idea that you’re urging people to get up from the table and/or go on, even after they have all completed eating.
Ordering for Someone Else
Another restaurant faux pas you may find endearing or sophisticated is ordering something for someone else. They can communicate and choose what they eat. An anomaly? Letting young children place their orders. Although it may sound endearing, if the waitress or cashier cannot comprehend what the toddler is saying, it may put them in an embarrassing situation.
This should be avoided, particularly in quick-service or fast-food establishments with a wait behind you.
Making Small Talk
While using small talk to break the ice and fill awkward silences is normal, not everyone finds it enjoyable. It could seem uninteresting, flimsy, or inconsequential to some individuals. They could like quiet time or more profound or more important interactions.
Someone may not be engaged in small chat if you see them looking away or responding incoherently or briefly. Try to move the discussion to something more interesting or finish it nicely.
Saying Sorry Too Often
Saying sorry is a kind approach to convey sorrow or remorse, but if you do it too frequently, it might appear phony or insecure. You do not have to apologize for circumstances beyond your control or that are not your fault.
Try saying “thank you” or providing a solution rather than apologizing. Say “Thank you for waiting” or “How can I make it up to you,” for instance, rather than “Sorry for being late.”
Holding the Door Open
Although holding a door open for someone is polite and thoughtful, it might occasionally irritate them. If someone is too far away, for example, and you hold the door open for them, you can make them feel hurried or obliged to hurry up.
If you open the door for someone capable of opening it alone, you risk making them feel reliant or condescending. Keep the door open for someone who is behind you or needs assistance to prevent these scenarios.
Waiting for Someone to Finish Their Food
Although it might occasionally be inconvenient, waiting for someone to complete their food before you begin eating or get up to leave the table is a courteous approach to demonstrate respect and tolerance. It might make some individuals feel awkward or under pressure to watch them eat.
They could also feel bad about leaving you hungry or waiting for your meal. Asking them whether they mind if you start eating or excuse yourself might help you avoid unpleasant emotions. Go ahead and do what you want if they say nay.
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