15 Reasons Why Letting Pets Roam Outdoors Is a Terrible Idea

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Having a pet is one of life’s great joys, but it’s one that comes with obligations that go way beyond belly rubs and treat dispensing. Allowing your furry friend to roam freely outside may seem like you’re giving them the ultimate taste of freedom. Isn’t every pet’s dream just fresh air and adventure? The truth is, however, much different. Pets are at risk in ways many owners don’t anticipate through unsupervised outdoor exploration.

Allowing pets to roam free can lead to health hazards and ethical dilemma. The appearance of a dog loping happily down the street or a cat prowling the neighbourhood gracefully may be idyllic, but so many of these unsupervised moments of freedom come at a high price. Let’s uncover major reasons why having your pets indoors or in a secure area is the best thing for you and them.

There Are Outdoor Dangers Everywhere

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The great outdoors isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. An innocent adventure can quickly turn into a disaster, from roads, to predators, to toxic plants, to simply discarded human trash. Curious cats or adventurous dogs don’t understand the risks, and they may explore and get hurt, or worse.

Traffic Accidents Are Common

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Pets outside are much more likely to be hit by a car. A study done by the American Veterinary Medical Association states thousands of pets get hit by vehicles every year, and many don’t make it. Whereas we can understand traffic signals and speeding cars, pets can not, and a squirrel chase can leave us with a terrible result.

Exposure to Diseases and Parasites

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Pets that choose to be free roaming are at a much higher risk of exposure to rabies, feline leukemia, or parvovirus. They can also carry fleas, ticks, and other parasites into your home. The more outdoors your pets are, the greater the likelihood of expensive vet bills and health complications.

Wildlife Conflicts

Repel Cats
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Local wildlife often come into contact with outdoor pets. Not only can these interactions end badly for your pet, but the animals they come in contact with as well. For example, pets can be harmed by skunks, raccoons or coyotes, and your cat’s hunting instincts threaten local bird populations.

The Risk of Poisoning

Schedule Routine Vet Checkups
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Pets can’t identify poisonous things. There are outdoor hazards from antifreeze puddles to toxic plants. Garden mulch or mushrooms can even be deadly if ingested. Another good reason to keep your pets indoors.

Pet Theft Is a Real Problem

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You probably can’t believe it, but pets, including purebred, are very often stolen by thieves. Thousands of dogs are stolen every year, the AKC reports, with thieves selling the animals to make money or use them in illegal breeding operations. If you allowed your pet to roam, he or she could be an easy target.

Injury From Other Animals

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Not all animals are friendly. The aggressive neighborhood dogs, feral cats, and even venomous snakes are a threat to outdoor pets. Severe injuries and emotional trauma for your furry friend can be the aftermath.

Unable to Find Their Way Home

Houses Without a Dog
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Pets, even those with the best sense of direction, can get lost. They often go farther out into the outdoors than they planned, and may not be able to find their way back. Not all lost pets find their way home even with microchips and collars.

Impact on Local Ecosystems

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Local wildlife is ravaged by free roving pets, especially cats. Domestic cats kill billions of birds and small mammals each year in the U.S., according to studies. The decline of biodiversity in your area is also helped by allowing your pet roam freely.

Weather Woes

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When some pets are left outdoors, these animals are at risk of being exposed to extreme weather conditions ranging from uncomfortably hot summer day or a brutally cold night. Unlike humans, they can’t go to the shelter or drink water in extreme weather.

Troubles With Legality and the Neighborhood

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Leash laws or ordinances about outdoor pets are quite strict in many areas. Walking a roaming dog or cat can get you in trouble with the local authorities, or create bad vibes with the neighbors. It’s not worth it to risk fines and complaints.

Stress for Pet Owners

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It’s only natural to worry about your pet when they’re outside unsupervised. Is your dog getting into someone’s trash? Is your cat walking busy streets? It’s priceless to know your pet is safe indoors.

Shortened Lifespan

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Image Credit: Torsten Dettlaff/Pexels

Pasadena Humane reports that indoor cats live an average of 10 to 15 years, compared with a two to five year average for outdoor cats. The dangers of the outside world drastically cuts down on a pet’s life expectancy, it is obvious that the indoors is the safest place.

Noise Complaints and Nuisance Behavior

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Free roaming pets can be problems in the neighborhood. Dogs may bark at all hours or dig up gardens or pester other pets. Keeping your furry friends indoors can help keep good relationships with your neighbors.

Reduced Connection Between Pets and Owners

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Pets like companionship and their happiest times are spent with their humans. By allowing them to roam, you diminish your opportunity to bond. If you keep them close, it protects them and also strengthens your relationship.

Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.

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