15 Household Items You Didn’t Know Expire

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Like food, many of the everyday products you use have a shelf life of their own, and we often stock up on household items thinking they’ll last forever. You may not recognize some of these expiration dates, and using these items past ‘best by’ might not be as effective (or even harmful).

Many of those items don’t age as well as you’d think — from that bottle of sunscreen in the bathroom cabinet to the box of baking soda in your fridge. You would be surprised at how many of household staples have a ticking clock.


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Although sunscreen is necessary to protect your skin from UV rays, it doesn’t last forever. The shelf life of most sunscreens is about three years. Once that happens, they lose potency, and they won’t be able to block the sun’s harmful rays as effectively. Before slathering it on at the beach, it’s important to check the expiration date on the bottle.


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While spices may seem like they’ll last forever, their flavor will fade over time. Whole spices will usually last a little longer, and ground spices are usually good for 2–3 years. If your spice rack looks like it’s been around since the dawn of time, it may be time to give those jars some new life.


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Although makeup doesn’t expire, using old products may cause you to develop skin irritations or even an infection. For instance, mascara should be thrown away after three months. Lipsticks stay good for about two years, while powders, about 18 months. Look for consistency and smell to make sure you’re not using anything that’s gone bad.

Cleaning Supplies

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The problem with cleaning products is that they can become less effective with age, and if they are not used for too long, they can lose some of their effect. For example, bleach starts to break down after about six months. Even if it looks and smells good, it wouldn’t clean as well as it should after that time.


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You might not consider toothpaste to be something that will expire, but it does. The main ingredient that prevents cavities, fluoride, begins to lose its effectiveness after two years. Your toothpaste may be past its prime if it’s older than that.

Fire Extinguishers

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You never want to use it, but when you do, you want it to work. The average fire extinguisher will expire after 10–12 years, as this Safelincs article attests. If yours is older than that, or if the pressure gauge is below the green zone, then it’s time to replace it.


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I’m sure we’ve all done it: dug through the medicine cabinet for some old pain reliever or cold medicine. Did you know that medications can become less potent or even dangerous after they’ve expired? Toss anything that’s past its expiration date, check the labels.

Baking Soda

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While baking soda doesn’t spoil, it does lose its leavening power over time and if it’s exposed to air and moisture, it’ll degrade more quickly. For baking, it’s best to replace it after six months to a year. But if you use it for cleaning, you can stretch the use a bit longer.


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Batteries have an expiration date of their own. As they get old they can leak, corrode, and can damage your devices. According to ScienceDirect.com, the life of most batteries is 5-10 years depending on the type but check the packaging or battery for an exact date.

Dish Detergent

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Did you know dish detergent also has a shelf life? After about a year, liquid detergents can begin to breakdown and lose their effectiveness. If your dishes aren’t as clean now as they used to be, it’s probably time to buy a fresh bottle.

Bug Spray

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Since you don’t use bug spray every day, it’s all too easy to forget that it expires. Most insect repellents are good for about two years. Then the active ingredients that keep bugs at bay start to lose their punch. Before the next camping trip, though, check a bottle to see if it’s still good.

Motor Oil

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Motor oil even has a shelf life! But generally an unopened bottle of motor oil is good for about five years. Once that time has passed, the additives in the oil begin to break down and the oil isn’t quite as effective at protecting your engine. Before topping your car’s oil, always check the expiration date.

Hair Products

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That fancy bottle of shampoo or conditioner may not last as long as you think it will. The average life span of most hair products is around a year after they’ve been opened. After that they may begin to lose their effectiveness or change in consistency. If it smells off or isn’t working as well as it used to, it’s probably time to toss it.

Adhesive Bandages

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And the same goes for adhesive bandages — the ones you keep in your first aid kit — they too have an expiration date. Also, over time, the adhesive can dry out and the sterile pad is no longer so sterile. According to EFAS Safety Supply, most bandages are good for 3-5 years, so check your stash and throw away anything that is past its prime.

Water Filters

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The great thing about water filters is that they do a really good job of keeping your drinking water clean, but they do not last forever. How often you replace your filters depends on the brand and how often it is used, but most filters should be replaced every 2-6 months. However, if you’ve been using the same one for ages, then it’s probably time to get a new one for fresh, clean water.

Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.

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