14 Minimalist Living Tips to Help You Save Money and Declutter

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Living as a minimalist is a great way to save money and reduce clutter. Regardless of whether you’re trying to live with less, or simply tired of staring at a drawer full of stuff you’ve never touched, minimalism can help rid you of excess clutter at home and in the budget. Simple math: the less you have, the less you spend. And there’s the bonus: peace of mind, as your house becomes a less cluttered space. Priceless!

If you’re looking to make your life simpler, lighter and a bit more frugal, then these minimalist living tips might be just what you need. With that said, check out these tips on decluttering, while you reduce the size of your wallet on the side.

Declutter One Space at a Time

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It didn’t take a day to build Rome, and it’s no easy task to create a minimalist home. Start small — declutter one room, or even one drawer. By doing it this way, you won’t be overwhelmed, and you will start seeing progress in a much faster manner. Furthermore, beginning small assists you in turning into the propensity for sorting out the pointless without taking up for it to eat all the more than you can chomp.

Sell Unused Items

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Image Credit: Cottonbro studio/ Pexels

Do you have a bunch of stuff gathering dust? There are things you can put up for sale online, at a yard sale, and you’ll be surprised how much you can make. This is why we like websites like eBay, Facebook Marketplace or local consignment shops. Not only will this declutter your space, but it will also earn you some extra cash too, talk about a win win! (Yes, and of course, someone probably wants to buy that bread maker you always seem to forget that you own.)

Embrace Multipurpose Items

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Image Credit:Armchair/Wikimedia Commons

If one tool does the work of five, why buy the other four? The key to minimalist living is to invest in items that do more than one job. It takes space, eliminates that clutter, and can even cut your monetary expenditure. For example, a sofa bed or a table with built in storage helps to cut down the number of things you own, and puts your dollar to better use.

Create a Capsule Wardrobe

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It doesn’t mean you can’t be stylish with fewer clothes. One way to achieve this is by having a capsule wardrobe — which is nothing more than a small, timeless collection of pieces you always have something to wear. This isn’t just good for your health, but also for your wallet – it saves you money in the long run because you’re not doing impulse buys. And, as fashion experts will tell you, when you’re building a wardrobe that will last, quality trumps quantity.

Reduce Emotional Shopping

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Instead of filling in an emotional void with stuff, try filling in your void in other ways. Take a walk, call a friend, try a hobby. This will save you cash since you haven’t bought stuff you didn’t factor in before and you won’t contribute to the clutter of your home with trash.

Go Digital

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According to Spark Joy London Paper and books are big culprits when it comes to clutter. Even going digital, from picking up e–books to paying your bills online to scanning old documents, can free up some surprising space. And it could also help you save money on purchases of books, and late fees for example on bills you missed.

Shop Intentionally

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Instead of making a purchase that you might not need, take a second to think it through. When you reach the checkout line and you have to ask yourself if the item will add value to your life or is simply going to take up space. Shopping with intention not only helps to clear the clutter in your home but also helps avoid impulse spending too. And it makes you appreciate what you do buy all the more.

Enact the ‘One In One Out’ Rule

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“One in, one out” is a simple rule for keeping clutter at bay. When you buy something new, throw something else out. It balances your belongings and does not have it overwhelmed with stuff. It’s a very mindful way to shop.

Limit Your Kitchen Gadgets

Clutter Culprits Hiding in Your Living Room
Image Credit: Jean van der Meulen/ Pexels

Something about the kitchen seems to bring out the hidden clutter and before you know it, clutter has multiplied overnight. How many gizmos do you really employ? All you need to do to make cooking less stressful is to limit your kitchen tools to the essentials. You’ll save cash by not having to waste it on those cool gadgets that are all supposed to change your life, but just end up collecting dust in the unvisited end of a cupboard anyway.

DIY Cleaning Products

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Image Credit: Pixabay

Instead of buying multiple specialized cleaning products use some of these simple natural cleaning ingredients instead, such as vinegar, baking soda and essential oils. It not only is more environmentally friendly but it’s cheaper. Also, you won’t have to reserve an entire cupboard for bottles and sprays.

Simplify Your Décor

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Image Credit: Vecislavas Popa/Pexels

Not to say your home has to look bare, however if you do want to live a minimalist life, simplifying your decoration can have a big impact. Fill every surface with knickknacks, or don’t, but strive to own a few key pieces that elicit joy. You’ll spend less on decorative things and a cleaner space feels more relaxing. For creative ways to redecorate your home on a budget, check this article on Frenzhub.

Streamline Your Schedule

Photo Credit: Cottonbro/Pexels

Clearing your mental space though goes beyond just the physical. So if your schedule is chockablock, it might be time to drop a few. Think about what commitments matter the most to you, and say no to the rest. But you’ll feel more relaxed, also saving money on things like transportation or social events.

Buy Quality Over Quantity

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Something to remember: sometimes it may cost a bit more up front to pay less over time. Good stuff tends to last longer and you won’t need to replace them so often. Something like furniture, kitchenware, or clothing comes to mind especially. Buying quality products is one of the simplest methods to live more sustainably while also saving money down the road, say financial experts.

Instead of the Buy Option, Go for the Borrow or Rent Option

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If possible, decide to borrow or rent something before you buy something new. For things you don’t use often, like power tools or camping gear, this is really helpful. Aside from saving you money, it keeps your home from filling up with bits you use rarely.

Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.

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