14 Common Bathroom Cleaning Mistakes You Are Probably Making

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While plenty of folks may shudder at the thought of cleaning the bathroom, it ranks among the top places to keep clean for hygiene and appearance. And even though you may believe that you do a good job at cleaning your bathroom, there are tons of mistakes people tend to make when cleaning their bathrooms.

Here are 14 top bathroom cleaning mistakes you might not even know you are making.

Using Harsh Chemicals

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Using overly aggressive cleaning products in the bathroom is a mistake made by many. While these products may appear to be effective at killing germs and bacteria — they can also be harmful to your health, as well as, the environment. Instead, try natural cleansing agents like vinegar, baking soda and lemon juice.

Not Letting the Cleaning Products Sit

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One more bathroom-cleaning mistake we make is not letting the cleaning products sit long enough on surfaces. Some cleaning products need more time to properly kill all the germs and bacterias. Refer to the directions of your cleanser and leave for the prescribed time.

Neglecting Certain Areas

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A lot of us, when cleaning a bathroom, tend to concentrate on the things that can be seen easily with our eyes, such as the sink and toilet. But forgetting about other things like the showerhead, grout, and behind the toilet can cause dirtiness and germ accumulation. These are the forgotten nooks of regular cleaning. Make sure they don’t slip past your radar!

Using Old or Dirty Cleaning Tools

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One of the most common bathroom cleanup mistakes is using old or dirty cleaning tools. While you might think using the same sponge or cloth over and over again saves you time, it just means that instead of washing away germs and bacteria, you are spreading them. Substitute your cleaning tools often and wash them every part after use.

Not Wearing Protective Gear

From above of crop anonymous person in rubber gloves using soapy sponge while cleaning toilet bowl
Photo Credit: Karolina Kaboompics/Pexels

Cleaning agents have a lot of chemicals that act as irritants for your skin and even your eyes. People wax poetic about decluttering so much that we tend to forget how important protective gear is while cleaning the years of filth you have managed to let accumulate in your living room. Wear protective equipment to shield yourself from any potential hazards.

Using Too Much Product

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One of the common mistakes in cleaning bathrooms is using too much product. This is not only wasteful but may leave behind somewhat of a residue that can attract dirt, mold, and bacteria. Always refer to the usage instructions included with your cleaning products for the best outcomes.

Not Ventilating the Bathroom

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When cleaning, you might spray all sorts of products with fumy smells. According to Newline NZ, if you do not have good ventilation in your bathroom, these fumes will linger, causing harm. Use fans or open windows while cleaning to ensure proper ventilation.

Neglecting Regular Cleaning

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A lot of people wait to clean their bathroom until it starts looking dirty. Regular cleaning, though, will ensure no dirt or bacteria builds, and it is also simple to clean overall. Schedule periodic cleaning for the bathroom to keep it clean.

Not Drying Surfaces Properly

Do Regularly Clean Your Cleaning Tools
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A lot of people forget to dry surfaces properly after they clean them. According to GreenWorks Environmental LLC, unremoved moisture can result in mold and mildew, which have adverse health effects and will ruin any bathroom space. After being washed, dry the unit using a towel (or squeegee) to wipe down surfaces.

Using Incorrect Techniques

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The wrong techniques can make your cleaning routine a disaster. Wiping in a circular manner, for instance, can actually spread dirt and bacteria rather than picking it up. Instead, always use straight motions to get the dirt out.

Not Cleaning the Toilet Brush

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You probably don’t think too often about maintaining your toilet brush, but it’s a necessary part of keeping your bathroom in working order. Rinse the brush with hot water and disinfectant after each use to keep bacteria growth at bay.

Letting Clutter Build Up

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Having an untidy looking bathroom can easily cause anxiety and make it harder to keep clean. Clean-up your restroom frequently. Get rid of unused bottles as well as expired products. This will make scrubbing your bathroom clean and organized easier.

Not Cleaning the Shower Curtain

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The shower curtain becomes scummed with soap residue and mildew very quickly, so be sure to clean this area as well regularly. For a deeper clean, throw your curtain in the washing machine with vinegar or baking soda.

Rushing Through Cleaning

Photo Credit: Karolina Kaboompics/ Pexels

It is a big mistake to quickie over your bathroom and skimp one or two tough spots. Ensure that all surfaces are cleaned meticulously, so take your time. If you rush through the process, dirt will remain, and your bathroom won’t be as clean as you think.

Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.

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