14 Childhood Toys That Are Regretfully Discarded

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Childhood toys aren’t just toys we played with, they’re little time capsules of memories of scraped knees, endless giggles, and pure imagination. Unfortunately, many of these treasures never made it out of the donation bin, yard sale, or even the trash. Back then, we didn’t realize that those toys weren’t just games, they were partners in our adventures, and for some now, they’re worth a small fortune.

Let’s walk down memory lane and revisit some of the childhood classics that we wish we would have hung onto.

Polly Pocket

"22 Iconic 90s Must-Haves That Are Now Gone Forever"
Image Credit: EvelynGiggles/Wikimedia Commons

Polly Pocket was the tiny but mighty toy to take anywhere. These were these compact, colorful worlds that unfolded into magical miniature landscapes, housing little characters who had little soap operas or, you know, trips to the mall. Today, vintage Polly Pocket sets are hot items with collectors, as rare sets are selling for hundreds of dollars online. We just wish we knew that they were more than pocket sized entertainment.


Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Tamagotchi was the original digital pet that taught us responsibility long before any pets or chores did. You probably still feel guilty if you’ve ever forgotten to feed or clean up after it. These pixelated companions wormed their way into our hearts. Modern reboots still have Tamagotchi, but nothing tops the ones from the clunky originals.


15 Things Every 90s Kid Had That Are Incredibly Valuable Now
Image Credit: Alexas_Fotos/Wikimedia Commons

Ah, Furby. These owl like creatures were either your best friend or the thing you had nightmares about: equal parts adorable and creepy. They ‘learned’ to talk, to play games, or even to scare you with their glowing eyes in the middle of the night. Furby is now a collectible, and some versions of it can prove that even the stuff of childhood horror stories can have happy endings.

Easy-Bake Oven

Beloved Toys from the 60s and 70s Now Deemed Too Risky for Kids
Image Credit: Rdmsf/Wikimedia Commons

Do you remember when you were baking a cake under a light bulb and thought you had ascended to the pinnacle of cooking? Even if it tasted…questionable, the Easy-Bake Oven was many kid’s introduction to cooking. Nostalgia plays a big part in the resurgence of vintage toy sales, as the Easy-Bake Oven is a hot commodity.

Beanie Babies

"22 Iconic 90s Must-Haves That Are Now Gone Forever"
Image Credit: Daryl/Wikimedia Commons

These plush, pint-sized animals are the stuff of legend, as their ’90s collecting craze made everyone sure they would become millionaires. Not all Beanie Babies were winners, but some of the limited editions will still set you back a pretty penny. Beanie Baby was more than a toy, it’s a memory.

Game Boy

Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

The Game Boy was just a toy, it was an escape. If you didn’t trade Pokémon with a friend at recess or sneak it under the covers at bedtime, you were missing out on the handheld console of yore. The Game Boy is one of the top selling toys of all time, and is still a cultural icon, according to the National Museum of Play.


Photo Credit: Melissamn/Shutterstock

How could you need an art degree when you had Lite Brite? Kids could create masterpieces, one colorful dot a time, on this glowing pegboard. It was simple, it was creative and just messy enough to piss parents off. And vintage Lite-Brite sets still warm a collector’s heart, and wallet, these days.

Pogs and Slammers

15 Things Every 90s Kid Had That Are Incredibly Valuable Now
Image Credit:Nizzan Cohen/Wikimedia Commons

Every playground was a battleground for Pogs at some point in time. These cardboard discs and their hefty metal slammers were more than a game, they were social currency. Even if the fad went the way of the dinosaurs, there’s still an enduring nostalgia for Pogs. Now, limited edition sets are collectors’ items that bring much joy to those of us who grew up in the ‘90s.

Cabbage Patch Kids

Photo Credit: Pexels

Each Cabbage Patch Kid was adopted and came with a birth certificate and unique name. These were less toys and more family members. Parents were fighting in aisles trying to snatch one of these dolls. Those epic retail battles can feel almost justified today when first edition dolls sell for several thousands.


Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Skip-It was a toy and a workout all in one: Kids had to jump over its rotating ball as many times as they could. The competitive edge though, was that it had a built in counter, one that was only right, half the time. Skip-It was as simple as it sounds and became a backyard staple and one of the ways to burn off excess energy.

Stretch Armstrong

Photo Credit: Alex beattie/Wikimedia Commons

You could do anything to Stretch Armstrong; pulling, twisting, stretching to ridiculous lengths, he could endure without breaking. An indestructible muscle-bound figure from the ‘70s, these were a marvel of toy design then, and the modern reproductions don’t even come close. He was the superhero who always had your back for many.

My Little Pony

Photo Credit: RYC/Wikimedia Commons

My Little Pony was whimsical and colorful ponies with brushable manes that became a massive franchise. There were endless imaginative adventures with each of the ponies; each pony had a personality. It’s still the original figures from the ’80s that collectors chase, even though the newer ones have their fans, as they don’t have the same charm or nostalgic value.

Tickle Me Elmo

Photo Credit: Mohsinkhawar/Shutterstock

Tis the season for tech toys, and when Tickle Me Elmo hit the shelves in 1996, it caused a frenzy that led to fistfights in toy aisles. For years it was the face of holiday wish lists: a giggling, vibrating plush toy. The original Elmo craze was chaos, but today’s kids have updated versions.

Barbie Dreamhouse

Photo Credit: TY Lim/Shutterstock

Barbie’s Dreamhouse was aspirational, and iconic. It had miniature furniture, and was enviable in design, so kids could make a world of endless possibilities. According to Forbes Barbie collectibles, especially vintage ones are still a commodity and this toy never really went away from our hearts.

Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.

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