13 Indoor Gardening Myths That Are Ruining Your Plants
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Gardening indoors is a lovely way to bring nature indoors. It gives greenery, makes your mood, as well as cleanses the air. However, how do we keep those plants alive? Things can get tricky at that point. There are a lot of trendy tips and tricks for growing plants indoors and not all of them are as helpful as they appear to be. In fact, some of them may be doing more damage than good. Some myths about plant care will turn your lush plant paradise into a sad jungle.
Whether you are a seasoned plant parent or a green thumb beginner you will want to know the facts to help your plants thrive. Let’s do a little housekeeping and bust some common indoor gardening myths that might be stunting their growth or even killing your plants slowly.
Plants Love a Strict Watering Schedule
Watering your plants every Monday or first of the month can sound practical, but plants don’t work that way. They have changing watering needs, which are based on temperature, light and humidity. Check the soil regularly by touch instead of sticking to a rigid schedule. You know it’s time to water if the top inch feels dry.
More Sunlight is Better
Sunlight is essential, but too much direct light will burn the leaves, in particular, for shade-loving indoor plants. Some plants have specific light needs so always refer to the label or quickly google the ideal light condition for your plant. Some will do just fine with low light, others a little more and will perish in full sun.
Indoor Plants Don’t Require Fertilizer
Although indoor plants do not grow as quickly as outdoor plants, they do need nutrients, even during their growing season. The soil loses its nutrients over time and plants need a boost. A few weeks of gentle liquid fertilizer in spring and summer can mean the world to their health and appearance.
When Houseplants Look Droopy, They Only Need Water
One sign of either underwatering or over watering could be dropped leaves. Waiting until they look droopy (and watering) once a week might reveal that you’re waiting too long or that they can take too much. Before you start watering the whole garden, always check the soil first and see what wilting looks like for each individual plant, so you can work out how much water you need to give each one.
Rocks on the Bottom of Pots Improve Drainage
Putting rocks at the bottom of a pot to help with drainage might seem like a good idea, but actually it might do more harm. Excess water may remain in the soil longer because of the rocks, which can lead to root rot. Ultimately, however, it’s better to utilize a pot with drainage holes and good, well draining soil.
All Indoor Plants Clean Your Air
True, some plants are known to have air purifying qualities, but not all are really able to significantly air purify the indoor area. The ones that do are spider plants and peace lilies, and they would have to be there in massive numbers to make a difference. Let their beauty capture you, but don’t expect them to clean the air alone.
Even Growth Requires Rotation of Plants
It’s not necessary to help the plant grow evenly by rotating them, but if they aren’t growing, rotating them can help them. Some plants require consistency to their light source and should not be rotated. If you don’t start growing both sides at a similar pace, rotate it less frequently instead of every time.
Misting Plants Will Increase Humidity
Raising humidity through misting seems easy, but that’s not usually how it works. A quick spray wet only leaves for a short time without any impact on humidity overall. To utilize real humidity, placed a tiny humidifier next to it or a dish of water and pebbles. It also helps maintain a more humid environment, by grouping plants together.
Cacti and Succulents are Perfect for Beginner Gardening
Many succulents have a reputation for being ‘indestructible’, which sets up beginners for failure. Although they’re drought resistant, they still need a bit of care and are easily harmed by excessive water, poor light, or bad soil. In fact a lot of houseplants are tougher than succulents if cared for with the right conditions.
Yellow Leaves Mean the Plant Needs More Water
Seeing yellow leaves is tempting to reach for the watering can, but that’s not the solution all the time. Overwatering, lack of nutrients or lack of light can all cause yellow leaves to appear on your plants. It’s a good idea to inspect the plant and its environment before you add more water to determine whether it might benefit from better drainage or if it needs a little more light to do well.
Indoor Plants Are Bad Off in Plastic Pots
Unfortunately, plastic pots have gotten a bad rep and many people will tell you they’re the worst, but as long as your plants need them, plastic pots work just as well (terracotta or ceramic included). Terracotta lets the air in and drains quickly, which is good for plants that don’t like their soil to be too moist and drain plastic slowly, keeping the soil moist for much longer which is good for plants that do like their soil a little more on the moist side. The trick is really just to find out what works best for each and every plant.
Big Pots Give Plants a Speedy Boost
Using a bigger pot might make it seem like you are giving plants where to grow, but too much soil can actually induce root rot since too much can hold more water than roots need. Select a pot that is appropriate for the root ball that exists now, and only get bigger along one dimension at a time. Don’t put the plant in a monster pot all at once, let the plant ‘graduate’ from one pot to the next.
The Plant is Dying If It Has Brown Leaf Tips
Brown tips occur and rarely means your plants are dead. Low humidity and underwatering or even mineral buildup due to tap water can cause them. Simply take the brown parts off, adjust as necessary and your plant will be in tip top shape. Sometimes all it takes to improve your smile is a bit of TLC and not drastic measures.
Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.
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