13 Essential Plants to Purify the Air in Your Home
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Other than the obvious, did you know that your own house can be more polluted than outside? Newer homes are constructed to be much more airtight and energy-efficient, which also means pollutants have less of a chance to escape outside.
Thankfully, there are indoor plants here to save the day and they really do help because of their natural way of cleaning the air in your home! Here are the key plants you should get your hands on without a doubt.
Spider Plant
The spider plant is very simple to keep and cultivate. It is one of the best plants for purifying surrounding air by removing toxins like formaldehyde, xylene and toluene etc. The plant loves indirect sunlight, and it enjoys moderately wet soil.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera (the best sunburn-soothing plant ever, and it purifies the air, too!) Formaldehyde and benzene, two common chemicals found in household cleaning agents, are also removed from the air. When it comes to minor burns and cuts, aloe vera is also there as your BFF.
Snake Plant
Snake plants, aka ‘Mother in Law Tongue, ‘ are nearly bulletproof, making them a perfect option for plant newbies and anyone struggling to keep their plants alive. They eliminate pollutants such as formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and benzene. They need only very little water and can survive in the shade.
Peace Lily
LilyPeace lily is a beauty around the house and comes with the added advantage of filtering off pollutants in the air. Your only task is to keep the soil slightly moist and not in direct sunlight. It thrives in low light and is great at removing ammonia, benzene and formaldehyde chemicals.
English Ivy
The English Ivy, as well as being an excellent plant in the home for many reasons, is also one of the best plants that can be found to purify the air. It filters airborne mold spores very effectively, so it rates as an excellent plant for those with allergies or asthma. It enjoys bright/indirect light and moist soil.
Boston Fern
According to be.green, this air-cleaning plant is good at increasing humidity and masters the process of returning moisture to the air. In addition, it purifies the air by removing formaldehyde and xylene. It thrives in high humidity and indirect sunlight. Moist soil is the best for these plants.
Rubber Plant
The rubber plant absorbs gaseous air pollutants such as benzene. It is a plant that can reach 8 feet in height blossoms best in front of a sunny window. In terms of care, it’s one of the easier plants on this list as it only requires watering when the top inch of soil is dry.
Bamboo Palm
This pretty plant can liven up any living space and is known for its ability to suck formaldehyde and xylene right out of the air. It enjoys bright, indirect light and moist soil at all times. Keep it in an airy place to help it grow,
Chinese Evergreen
If you’re seeking a low-maintenance companion to help combat airborne benzene or formaldehyde in your home, your best bet is the Chinese evergreen. They like to be watered when the top inch of soil is dry and they can handle low light. You can order them in a variety of colors to add a bit of zest to your house.
Golden Pothos
According to Tcpalm, Golden pothos is a popular indoor plant that purifies the air. It additionally decontaminates pollutants such as formaldehyde, xylene, and benzene. Some growers claim it can tolerate low lighting, while others claim it requires water when the surface inch of soil is decreased.
Dracaena is a flowering plant with many colors, shapes, and sizes. It can help eliminate toxins like formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and benzene from the air. A spot with indirect bright light and soil kept just slightly moist is ideal. Beware, however—it is toxic to pets.
Adding some chrysanthemums to your home will bring a bit of color and eliminate the toxins in the form of formaldehyde, benzene, and ammonia. Place these in bright light as they flower, and water a few times a week to keep the soil wet.
Devil’s Ivy
Money plant (Pothos / Crassula) is also a low-cost, easy-growing air purifier. It thrives in low light and requires water only when the top inch of soil is dry to the touch. This particular plant can even be grown in just water.
Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.
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