13 Bathroom Items You’re Using All Wrong
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The bathrooms are the unsung heroes of the home, often the beginning and the end of our daily routines, but you may be surprised to find out how many bathroom items you use incorrectly on a daily basis. It is easy to forget small tweaks that can make hygiene essentials and cleaning tools work better for us. These common items appear mundane, but they can be mishandled and compromise not only their efficiency, but potentially your health.
A few changes can make a big difference, though. Whether it is a habit from childhood or something you didn’t know you could get wrong? This list will change your perspective on your bathroom essentials.
Toothbrush Placement
It may seem like a good idea to stick your toothbrush in a closed cabinet so it’s germ free, but a closed cabinet is a damp environment that’s actually perfect for bacteria growth. You should keep your toothbrush in an upright holder, where it gets enough air. Bonus tip? Keep them at least six feet away from the toilet so those infamous airborne particles at bay!
Shower Curtain Care
Do you scrunch your shower curtain to one side when you’re done in the shower? That habit could cause mildew buildup. Let your curtain spread out so it will dry evenly and thus reduces moisture and mold problems. A little adjustment on your part can save you huge the gross chore of scrubbing black spots later.
Soap Dish Setup
If you leave your bar soap in a puddle of water, you’ve invited it to melt into a gooey mess. Keep it dry between uses in a soap dish with drainage or ridges raised. That way, your soap will last longer, and you’ll avoid that slimy soap texture that no one wants to touch.
Towel Storage
If you’re stacking towels on the open rack of the bathroom, they might absorb more moisture than you think. Bacteria loves damp towels. Put them in a dry cabinet or, the very least, in a way where they can dry fully.
Toilet Brush Habits
Do you pop the toilet brush back into its holder right away after use? That is unsanitary! First, let it air dry, so it doesn’t trap moisture and cause an odor problem. Sounds tedious, but your nose will thank you later!
Razor Management
It’s rough for razors sitting on the shower ledge because they’re constantly exposed to water, so their blades get rusted and dull. Keep razors in a dry place, not in the shower, to make them stay sharper for longer. It’ll save you money and keep you from getting nicks you don’t need.
Bathroom Cleaners
Are you spraying cleaner and then wiping it off right away? Few products take a few minutes to work. Make sure you always check the label for recommended wait time. If you let the products do the heavy lifting, then cleaning can be less of a chore.
Air Fresheners
Do you use air freshener as a one size fix all for bathroom smells? It’s a temporary band-aid. Rather than that, you should focus on improving ventilation. A little trick such as leaving the door open slightly after a shower miraculously works wonders.
Toilet Paper
The ’over’ orientation for toilet paper is more than just a preference. According to Business Insider, it’s cleaner because your hands touch less of the surrounding wall or roll. Small wins matter!
Loofahs and Sponges
Toss your loofah if it never ever leaves the shower. The damp environment promotes bacteria growth. Your loofah or sponge needs to be dry, so hang it in a well ventilated area, and remember to replace it every few weeks.
Hairbrush Cleaning
Have you cleaned your hairbrush lately? It’s been too long if you don’t remember. Dust and oils can settle in hair and product buildup, making your just cleaned hair feel dirty. Soak it in warm water with shampoo, and clean it monthly.
Sink Counters
A cluttered sink counter doesn’t just look bad, it can trap dust and germs. If you keep the area clean, bacteria spread can be inhibited. Also, toothbrushes and razors stored in these areas can be kept clean.
Trash Can Placement
That bathroom trash can without a lid may be innocent looking, but it’s a hot bed for airborne germs. Covered trash cans are an easy upgrade from the bare minimum, and make everything neat and healthy.
Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.
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