12 Home Hacks That Are Costing You More Money in the Long Run

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There’s a natural temptation to cut corners or follow the latest hack to save money or make things easier at home. And there are some DIY tricks that are meant to solve pesky problems quickly, or other hacks that are sold as money saving wonders. However, not all of these well meaning methods work over time. In truth, many can silently leech away your wallet until it’s empty or leave you with huge repair bills.

You can prevent wasting money by being careful about how you do your day to day home maintenance. Here are some common household hacks that seem like money savers at first, but they’re actually costing you more in the long term.

Vinegar on Stone Surfaces

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Vinegar is often touted as an all natural, cheap cleaner, but it’s not a one size fits all solution. The acid in vinegar can eat away at the stone when used on stone countertops like marble and granite, making the stone dull, discolored and beginning to erode away. This hack is expensive – replacing or resurfacing these countertops can be pricey. Use cleaners intended for stone to better protect your investment.

Cleaning Everything With Bleach

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While bleach is a powerhouse of disinfectant, using it on everything can backfire. For fabrics and wood, or other types of plastics, it can wear the material prematurely, and even necessitate replacement. There are milder detergents for everyday cleaning (and specialty cleaner for various kinds of materials ) that won’t kill whomever accidentally licks your doorknob.

Using Lemons in the Garbage Disposal

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Photo Credit: Stevepb/Pixabay

Pouring a lemon into the garbage disposal for a fresh smell might seem innocent, but it can damage your appliance long term. Lemon peels can get stuck in the disposal and clog it or put more strain on the disposal’s motor causing damage or replacement. For odor control, use baking soda and vinegar, which won’t cause mechanical problems.

Too Much Laundry Detergent

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If more detergent makes for cleaner clothes, shouldn’t you use more? The bad news is that using too much soap can create buildup in your washing machine, particularly in high efficiency models. While unpleasant odors and potentially blocked internal parts are undesirable, the buildup can clog parts, and a call to a repair technician may be needed. Don’t overdo it to keep those hidden costs of excess detergent at bay.

Painting Over Dirty Walls

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It might be tempting to not clean the walls first when you’re painting them to save time, but it can leave you with peeling and uneven finishes. Paint never sticks to dust, grease, or grime and if you skip the prep work you’re going to have to paint sooner than you would like. Cleaning the walls first will ensure that your paint job lasts longer and you won’t have to touch it up so soon.

Ignoring HVAC Filter Changes

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While it may seem like a small way to save on HVAC filter replacements, not doing it can cost you a lot more. Dirty filters mean your heating and cooling system has to work harder, using more energy and wearing out its components faster. It not only increases energy bills, but reduces the life of the system and requires costly repairs or premature replacement.

Leaving Security Lights On 24/7

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Photo Credit: iriana88w/123rf

It’s normal to want a safe home, but turning on lights all the time can really add to your electricity bill. Instead of motion sensor lights or timers that are activated only when necessary. Without burning through extra cash each month, these alternatives will keep your home safe.

DIY Electrical Work

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Electrical repairs without the professional training can seem budget friendly, but it can be dangerous and costly. Shorts, power outages and fires result from incorrect wiring or poor connections. Eventually, you may have to call an electrician to fix what’s already been done, and it will cost you far more than calling a pro to begin with.

DIY Plumbing Fixes That Can Damage Your Home

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You might be a handyman fixing minor plumbing problems, but if you don’t use the right tools or temporary fixes, you can make a big mistake. For instance, attempting to fix a leaky faucet or clear drains with whatever household object comes to hand can really damage pipes or fixtures. This often results in a more significant repair job that a professional will need to fix, and it will cost much more than the original problem.

Using Baking Soda on Aluminium

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Baking soda is a great cleaner, but you shouldn’t use it on aluminium cookware or appliances because it will cause discoloration and erosion. Baking soda is abrasive and long term use on aluminium can lead to small scratches that dull the finish. Keep your aluminium items looking like new by sticking to gentler cleaning agents and saving on replacements.

Permanent Fixes Using Duct Tape

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For many household issues, duct tape is a quick fix, but it’s not a permanent solution. Duct tape eventually loses its stickiness, and will result in broken furniture or damaged walls, which only compounds the issue. Choose a more permanent repair to avoid having to come back and fix it again, and pay more.

Washing Machine Overloading

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Stuffed to the gills with laundry? It might seem efficient, but too much laundry in the wash cycle can strain the motor and wear out other parts. The result is less clean clothes and in some cases, expensive repairs. If it means it takes longer to wash in smaller loads, so be it, it will help your machine last longer and reduce the chance of an expensive breakdown.

Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.

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