12 Fast-Growing Garden Plants That Can Be Difficult to Manage

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While the joy and happiness of walking into a beautiful garden are unparalleled, maintaining it has its own unique set of challenges. The hardest part is keeping up with rapid growers that can crowd out everything else. These plant flowers are beautiful to behold but without routine pruning, they become monsters that are difficult to handle.

Check out this list of 12 fast-growing garden plants so that you can keep yourself up-to-date with your gardening game.


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Mint has a very clean scent, and this is one reason why you can smell mint in many things from dishes to natural remedies. However, the plant can also be considered a weed for readily displacing any near plants. Be sure to plan accordingly when planting mint because it is a spreader throughout the entire garden. Grow it in container or use root barrier.


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Bamboo is a popular choice for creating privacy screens and adding an exotic touch to your garden. However, if not adequately managed, bamboo can quickly become invasive and difficult to contain. Regularly trim the shoots and install barriers around the plant’s perimeter to prevent it from taking over your entire garden.

Morning Glory

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Morning Glory is a lovely flowering vine that adds color and charm to any garden. This rapid growth habit makes it ideal for covering fences and trellises, but if left to its own devices, it can take over and smother other plants. Prune the morning glory often to prevent it from getting out of control, and avoid planting it near other species.

Creeping Thyme

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Creeping thyme is a delicate herb that has very pretty pink blooms. It has a wonderful smell and makes beautiful groundcovers that are lovely in the garden. This plant grows fast, and it can be invasive. If you would prefer for it not to spread too much, then give the plant a trim once in a while and get rid of any runners/shoots that are invading another plant area.

Trumpet Vine

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Trumpet vine is a beautiful and bright orange perennial that hums with the heartbeat of hummingbirds. But unfortunately, its growth can be rather vigorous (ahem… invasive) in the garden. The roots expand easily, so aggressive pruning is imperative as is keeping it away from structures or other plants due to those strong roots.

Lemon Balm

Photo Credit: Pexels

Commonly planted in household gardens, lemon balm is known for its soothing properties. It was traditionally used in teas and cooking. However, this beautiful flower can take over your garden if you give it a chance. It is suggested that this plant be kept in check with pots and its roots be pruned every few years.


a close up of a plant
Photo Credit: Pexels

These vines make the best green walls and hide construction eyesores, while its complete natural look surrounds you in nature all around. It is, however, a rapid grower and, without regular pruning, can soon become a little too rampant. It is invasive, so keep it confined (you can grow the variegated form in a nice-sized container), and do not plant near trees or other shrubs, as it will steal nutrients and water.

Japanese Knotweed

Photo Credit: Cbaile 19/Wikimedia Commons

If uncontrolled, these invasive and non-native plants could become a detriment to your local ecosystem, as a National Park Service report attests. The roots of Japanese knotweed plants are so aggressive that it makes them nearly impossible to get rid of and they propagate very quickly. You should definitely talk to a professional if this plant is growing in your garden.


Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Wisteria is a fabulous, free-flowering vine that looks absolutely perfect in garden. It also grows very fast and can cause damage to structures and other local plants. You should prune and train the vines as you see fit in order to direct them as they grow.


Photo Credit: Pixabay

Goldenrod is popular for its color and texture in the garden but can also become weedy when not checked. Because of its large, deep root system, this shrub can handle many soil conditions, but it does not uproot easily and may need a lot of trimming to keep it from taking over your garden.

Black-eyed Susan

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Black-eyed Susans are bright yellow and incredibly low-maintenance. But this hardy perennial is also a very rapid grower and can soon take over the garden and inhibit the growth of other plants. To keep black-eyed Susans healthy, thin them periodically by cutting away some stems.


Photo Credit: Aprilkind/Pixabay

According to Wisconsin Horticulture, nasturtium is a colorful plant that adds to the visual appeal of your garden with its vibrant flowers. Its trailing vines can take over before you realize it. If you are worried that nasturtiums might travel too far, contain them by planting them in pots or hanging baskets; otherwise, cut back any rampant vines.

Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.

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