12 Essential Oils That Should Never Be Used on Plants

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When it comes to plant care, we tend to think about sunlight, water, and maybe a little plant food and pay little to no attention to essential oils. Well, essential oils have also become an all natural solution to plant disease and plant pest control. But not all oils are good for your plant’s health. While some will do wonders for your plants, others will make them wilt and die, so it’s not safe to use essential oils without knowing how they will affect your garden babies.

To make your leafy friends healthy and thriving, here is a list of essential oils you want to keep out of your gardening toolkit. Each of these oils below has a very good reason why they shouldn’t be used in your plant care routine.

Cinnamon Oil

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Its strong scent makes cinnamon oil sound like a great way to keep pests away, but it’s extremely potent and can burn plant tissues. Cinnamon powder is a safe and effective antifungal for the soil but cinnamon essential oil is too concentrated for most plants and will cause leaf scorching and stunted growth. Keep it away from your green friends, but save it for your home’s air freshener.

Clove Oil

Clove Oil
Photo Credit: Pexels

Another very strong essential oil praised for its antibacterial and antifungal properties is clove oil. This oil, however, can be overpowering and toxic to many plants. Its level of concentration is usually too high and can damage leaves, stems and roots. Browning and wilting can occur even with a small amount, and your plants will not look good for it. Clove oil is best to skip in your plant care regimen.

Tea Tree Oil

Photo Credit: Hewowohiy/Wikimedia Commons

The antimicrobial qualities of tea tree oil are known and often used in skincare, but it’s too strong for plants and can cause burns and other damage. Tea tree oil can also cause plants to dry out and leaves to turn brown or curl. A pimple may benefit from its drying effects, but a leaf probably won’t. If you want to battle plant diseases, try neem oil instead of chemicals.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint Oil
Photo Credit: Pexels

Many people love the peppermint oil because of its fresh scent, but it’s just too strong for plants. High menthol content is also damaging especially when applied directly. Peppermint oil is touted as a natural pest repellent, but it can actually be more harmful than helpful, scorching leaves and stressing out your plants. If you wish to keep your plants looking lively, you should consider less intense pest control methods.

Lemon Oil

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Lemon oil may sound like a zesty way to perk up your garden, but lemon oil is a citrus based oil, and is very very acidic. According to NIH, lemon oil can change the pH of the soil or can actually burn the leaves. It’s best not to use it on or around plants, as the acidity can cause discolored foliage and stunted growth. Store the lemon oil in the kitchen where it should be.

Eucalyptus Oil

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Eucalyptus oil has a lovely, calming scent, but it’s far too strong to most plants. The components can be toxic to plants (especially if used on leaves or in the soil). Leaf burn, yellowing and even the death of the plant can occur quickly if you use eucalyptus oil on your plants. It may look like a good insect repellent but it’s often more harmful for plants than helping. If you’re trying to protect your garden without damaging it, try alternatives.

Lavender Oil

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Plants don’t respond as positively to lavender oil, but it’s well loved for its soothing qualities. One of the oil’s strengths can damage felters and upset the delicate balance of plant health. The smell may keep pests away, but the oil is too potent and can cause discolouration and stunted growth. Put the lavender away to use on other things and don’t stress out your plants.

Oregano Oil

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

The powerful compounds packed into oregano oil make it a powerful antimicrobial, but it’s far too strong for most plants. The strength of oregano oil can quickly burn the leaves and slow the growth. While oregano oil is a good natural cleaning choice for your home, it’s not a good choice to use on your plants — it should be kept away from them.

Rosemary Oil

Photo Credit: Pixabay

Strong smelling rosemary oil is very effective as a mosquito repellent; but it kills plants. Rosemary oil can disrupt growth when it’s applied to leaves or soil and can cause leaves to appear withered and stunted. Although rosemary is a plant, its essential oil is much more concentrated, and is much better for human use than it is for delicate plant life.

Bergamot Oil

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Bergamot oil is tempting to use in the garden — it’s bright, citrusy — but it’s a big no for most plants. It’s too acidic like other citrus oils, and can cause leaf damage or soil imbalance. Bergamot oil can make plants brown, curl, and look unwell. If you like the smell, don’t put it on your houseplants, keep it in your diffuser.

Wintergreen Oil

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Wintergreen oil has a minty smell that’s nice, but it’s made up of compounds that will harm plants. It can be too strong and cause leaf burn and even root damage and a stressed and unhealthy plant. While it may repel pests, the trade off is usually too steep, your plants get worse, rather than better. Avoid the use of wintergreen oil during plant care and try a less powerful one.

Thyme Oil

Image credit: Hans/Pixabay

Thyme oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties but its strength is too much for plants to handle. According to ResearchGate, applying thyme oil directly to plants can cause leaf scorch, yellowing, and slowed plant growth. While you might use thyme oil for natural cleaning and home remedies, it’s best to keep it away from your garden. Without it, your plants will be better off.

Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.

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