12 “Dangerous” Wildlife That Actually Protect Your Garden

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When most people think of dangerous wildlife, they think of animals wreaking havoc, or putting lives at risk. But here’s the twist: some of these critters can be surprising allies for your garden. They are the stealthy guardians of your plants, pest killers, soil aerators, eco enrichers. Although they may appear or sound a little scary, they’re nature’s pest control and soil engineers.

What this means is that you might want to rethink your perception of these often misunderstood animals — instead of shooing them away or reaching for pesticides. Which animals are we talking about? Let’s find out.


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Snakes are creepy, yes, but they are amazing at keeping rodent populations in check. Garter snakes are just one of many garden snakes that love to eat the mice, voles and other small pests that also enjoy chowing down on your plants. In addition, they eat insects such as beetles and grasshoppers. The best part? They do all of this without hurting your plants. Leave them alone and the unwanted guests will handle themselves.


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Nature’s pest patrol is the spider. To catch aphids, flies, and other insects that might damage your plants, spiders spin their intricate webs. In fact, humans don’t have much to fear from most spiders, as they will seldom wander beyond their meal. Spiders are really great at controlling garden pests, so they’re a gardener’s best kept secret.


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Image Credit: Gaudete/Wikimedia Commons

Although hedgehogs may be rare in some parts of the U.S., they’re very helpful where they’re found. They munch on slugs, snails, and other pests that often devastate flower beds and vegetable gardens. A hedgehog friendly garden is usually a pest free garden!


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Image Credit: Pixabay

Bats don’t have the best reputation, but these nocturnal wonders are bug eating machines. Mosquitoes and crop damaging moths are just some of the 1,200 insects that a single bat can eat in an hour. Bats provide billions of dollars worth of pest control services to farmers and gardeners each year, according to Bat Conservation International. Their silent contribution could be all that is keeping your garden healthy and you never know.


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Image Credits: Benjamin Farren/Pexels

Coyotes might sound wild, but just like with your dog, they could actually be a help to your garden health by keeping rodent populations in check. They also aid the balance of local ecosystems, which end up satisfying plant growth indirectly. Areas with healthy coyote populations often have less rodent crop problems.


Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Even though opossums have a reputation as scavengers, they are your garden’s unsung heroes. Slugs, snails and even ticks are on their menu. According to biologists, one opossum can eat thousands of ticks in a single season. So, if they don’t look pretty in a beauty contest, their appetite for pests makes them invaluable.


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Despite their reputation as the least likely candidate for garden ally status, wasps are critical. Many species hunt caterpillars, beetle larvae, and other insects harmful to plants. Paper wasps, especially, are natural pest managers. As long as you keep their nests at a distance they’re more help than harm.


Photo Credit: Cephas/Wikimedia Commons

Some birds, such as wrens and sparrows, eat caterpillars, grasshoppers and beetles. They can be lured by adding a birdbath or feeder and your garden will become a pest free paradise. Native birds are an ecological service that, in any given year, save billions of dollars in pest control.


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Photo Credit: Peteer/Pexels

Raccoons may be mischievous but they also totally love eating on insects such as grubs and beetles. They will often search out soil pests that might otherwise disturb your plants. You have a raccoon to thank if you’re finding fewer damaged roots in your vegetable patch.


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Image Credit: Pixabay

Lizards, such as anoles and skinks, are cricket and cockroach lovers and can’t get enough of these insects. These critters are cold blooded and like little vacuum cleaners for pests. They will thrive if you have rocks or logs around to give them shelter and keep the pests away.


Creatures You Are Legally Forbidden To Remove From Your Home And Garden
Image Credit: James K. Lindsey/Wikimedia Commons

Not all beetles are bad! For example, ladybugs eat voraciously aphids, mites and whiteflies. Also, ground beetles assist with eating slugs, caterpillars and other pests. So fewer invasive pests are attacking your garden and encouraging these beetles to stick around.

Frogs and Toads

Photo Credit: Pexels

Frogs and toads are great amphibians to have in the garden, eating flies to grasshoppers. In high humidity areas and near water features, they work really well. Frogs can eat many insects per night, which makes them a powerful weapon in the war on pests.

Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.

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