11 Common Gardening Myths That Are Making Your Plants Weaker

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Gardening is a wonderful hobby — but it can be waylaid with lots of false information that’s been handed down by time and traditional methods. These myths can mislead even the most dedicated gardener to weak plants and disappointing results from supposed miracle fixes and odd planting techniques. There are some of these myths that look logical on the surface but in fact will cause more harm than good.

If only you knew why your plants are struggling, you might reconsider all those old “tricks.” In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most common gardening myths that could be holding your plants back from achieving all of their potential and inform you on what actually works best in a thriving, healthy garden.

Drainage in Clay Soil is Improved by Adding Sand

Photo Credit: Kindel Media/Pexels

One of the oldest gardening myths going around is that adding sand to clay soil to make it drain better. This sounds like a good solution and it is until it solidifies into a concrete like mixture that only gets harder and denser with time. A better advice for clay soil might be to mix in organic matter, such as compost. That hardened mess, caused by the organic material, will create spaces for water to flow, and roots to spread.

Eggshells as an Alternative to Pest Control

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

You’ve heard that crushed eggshells acting as a pylon around your plants will repel pests such as slugs and snails. Unluckily most pests would quite simply walk right over the eggshells. While crushed eggshells can be a slow release source of calcium, they’re not a pest barrier. That being said, you’re much better off using copper tape or barriers made for pest control.

Watering Your Plants Every Day Keeps Them Healthy

a person watering plants with a watering can
Photo Credit: Karolina Kaboompics/Pexels

It’s all too easy to fall into the trap of watering your plants every day because you think more is better. However, on the other hand if we have too much water this can also weaken plants as it promotes shallow root life. The roots have to go deeper down into the soil for water and nutrients, something plants need. Water deeply and less often to encourage stronger root development, rather than in the way most people do.

Putting Rocks at The Bottom of Pots For Better Drainage

Photo Credit: Ulrick Trappschuh/Pexels

It is a common tradition to fill pots with rocks at the bottom, so that drainage will be better but it can in fact be harmful. A rock layer can trap water just above the rocks rather than having it drain out. This can lead to root rot. Instead, go with a top quality container potting mix that’s made specifically for container plants and will allow water to drain properly without the need for rocks.

All Plants Love Coffee Grounds as Fertilizer

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Used coffee grounds are also one of the many things we have become accustomed to throwing at our plants as fertilizer. However, the coffee grounds are acidic and very few plants can take the acidity of it. Like blueberries, some plants love acidic soil, some hate it. If you want to use coffee grounds at all, use them sparingly and throw them into your compost pile so that they can work their way in slowly.

Big plants = More Fertilizer

Photo Credit: Shutterstock/SashkaB

More must mean better, right, if a little fertilizer is good? With too much fertilizer, roots can get burned and plants are damaged, rather than helped to grow. Excess fertilizer can actually cripple the growth of plants. Fertilize at the correct time and stick to the advised amount to have balanced and healthy balanced growth.

Young Trees Should Always Be Staked

Photo Credit: /FREEPIK

Staking young trees may sound like a good tactic to get them growing straight and (fingers crossed) strong, but in fact it can make them weaker. When trees move naturally, in the breeze, the trunks and root systems become stronger. Stake a tree only when there is good reason to do so and remove the stakes within a year to allow the tree to develop naturally.

Killing Weeds With Salt is Harmless

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Salt is sprinkled on weeds by some gardeners thinking it’s a natural alternative to chemical weed killers. Salt is a weed killer, but it poisons the soil, making it unfriendly to future growth. Sometimes it can even run off into nearby plants and damage them as well. Before you start spraying weeds, stick with safer, more targeted weed control methods such as pulling by hand or using an organic weed spray unless you know exactly what you are doing.

Citrus Peels Repel Pests

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Photo Credit: Flickr

Throwing citrus peels around your plants is rumored to repel pests, but it doesn’t work. In fact, citrus peels can attract ants which could be worse than the aid they provide. The peels can be added to your compost, but they’re not going to protect you from pests as you’ve been led to believe. Natural methods of pest control include neem oil or insecticidal soaps.

Talking To Your Plants Grows Them

Photo Credit: prostooleh/FREEPIK

Talking to your plants promote growth. But plants don’t understand words. Or maybe the real benefit is that you’re getting more carbon dioxide when you’re near them, or just spending the time watching their health. A good talk probably won’t hurt, but caring for them on a regular basis will help them grow a lot more than a kind word.

Planting Big Trees Right by Your House

Lucky Plants to Fill Your Home with Positive Energy
Photo Credit: Furknsaglam/ Pexels

Almost everyone likes the idea of having a big tree right by their house to shade it. But trees take up space, and your house may eventually be damaged by large root systems. Plant trees far from buildings, and leave them space to grow. If you want something near the house consider smaller shrubs, or dwarf trees.

Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.

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