10 Unpopular Martha Stewart Cooking Opinions You Secretly Agree With

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Martha Stewart may be the epitome of kitchen elegance, but she’s not afraid to stir up a few culinary feathers. She is very confident in the kitchen, often sharing some eyebrow raising opinions, some people nod in agreement while others shake their heads in disbelief.

When you really think about it though, some of her ‘controversial’ stances really do make sense. If you’re a seasoned home chef or if you’re someone who only occasionally enjoys a kitchen adventure, chances are good you’ve nodded along with Martha’s so called cooking sins.

Don’t Use Table Salt

Foods Everyone Thinks Are Unhealthy But Really Aren't
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For years, Martha Stewart has maintained that table salt is the villain of the spice rack. She says it’s all about kosher or sea salt, which she says lends food a fresher, less processed taste. Yes, it may seem a little high maintenance, but consider it. When was the last time you got really excited about table salt? Kosher salt’s larger grains give you more control and distribution, and a subtle pop that table salt can’t quite match.

Fresh Herbs Only, Please

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Martha is a firm believer that dried herbs have their place, but fresh herbs in nearly every recipe is the way to go. Fresh herbs, though, are sometimes hard to find (especially during the winter months), but they really do make a great difference in a meal. Plus, science agrees: a 2018 study by the University of Illinois discovered that fresh herbs packed way more flavor compounds than dried herbs. Sure, fresh herbs may be more work, but they certainly don’t lack flavor.

Skip the Gadgets

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Have you ever noticed that Martha’s kitchen isn’t full of gadgets and gizmos? She believes in quality over quantity, and you really don’t need a spiralizer, avocado slicer, or garlic press. She says a good knife will do most jobs and she’s not wrong. It’s nice to know a handful of basic tools and not have every counter filled with single use gadgets that you’ll never remember.

Margarine or Butter: Every Time, Butter

Foods You Never Thought to Freeze That Will Still Taste Good
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Martha isn’t shy about her love of butter, often suggesting it should be a kitchen staple. Margarine just doesn’t have the flavor, she said, or the texture. Butter does have its share of saturated fats, but it gives you a richness that folks sometimes miss with margarine’s lighter texture. In recent years, even nutritionists have hopped on the pro butter bandwagon, as a British Heart Foundation study show that moderate amounts of butter may not be as bad as we thought.

Cooking Is not Just for Dinner Parties

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Cooking is not a special occasion or weekend thing, says Martha, it’s a daily pleasure. Preparing food is to her about making every meal an event, even if it’s just Tuesday night spaghetti. Much of what Martha makes makes me want to slow down and pour a glass of wine rather than race through weeknight dinners. This isn’t about being perfect, it’s about bringing a little bit of joy to your daily routine. But hey, studies show that people who cook at home more often typically have healthier diets overall, so there’s some health wisdom in there as well.

Use Room Temperature Ingredients

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If you’ve watched Martha bake, you may have heard her say this: “Unless the recipe calls for it, don’t use cold ingredients!” In either case, she’s convinced that ingredients at room temperature mix more evenly and bake up better. Room temperature ingredients create smoother, more consistent textures in baked goods.

No Plastic Wrap in the Fridge

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Storing food in plastic wrap or disposable containers is not only wasteful, it’s a flavor risk, Martha says. It doesn’t keep food fresher and imparts that “plastic” taste that can get into leftovers, she says, and recommends glass containers or covered bowls for storing them. This tip may sound like it’s moving into environmental activism territory, but Martha sees it as purely practical. It’s true, studies have shown some plastics can change the taste of stored food, so maybe she’s onto something here.

Vegetables Deserve Real Attention

"20 Supermarket Splurges That Aren't Worth Your Cash"
Image Credit: Peggy Greb/Wikimedia Commons

Martha doesn’t think vegetables are just side dishes; they’re stars of the show, and they deserve to be cooked with care. She will not brook any compromises — no roasting, steaming, or grilling — every vegetable is treated individually and its own flavor is brought out. Have you ever just dumped all your veggies into one pot and prayed it would come out okay? Martha’s overkill approach is a good reminder that vegetables need to be respected on the plate.

Homemade Stock Is Non Negotiable

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Boxed stock? Not in Martha’s world. No matter what you are making, soup, risotto or gravy, she says, homemade stock makes all the difference. Sure, simmering bones and veg for hours sounds excessive, but if you’ve tasted homemade stock then you know that it is. As chefs around the world will likely agree, a homemade stock adds depth and richness that store bought can’t supply. Using vegetable scraps and leftover bones, making stock at home can also help you reduce waste.

Say No to Microwave Meals

Everyday Items You're Using Totally Wrong
Image Credit: Deposit Photos

Microwaving food is practically culinary sacrilege as far as Martha is concerned—it both diminishes the texture and flavor. She’s a proponent of reheating in the oven or on the stovetop because flavors have the chance to “come alive” again. We all depend on microwaves for convenience, but Martha’s slow food approach is worth considering when you have the time.

Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.

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