10 Tricks Realtors Use to Make Homes Sell Quicker
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Selling a home is, at times, like being on a first date where you don’t get more than one shot at it. This is why the real estate agents have some aces up their sleeves that ensure that their properties are sold as fast as possible. From tricks of staging to tricks of setting a home’s lights, these professionals are privy to details that’ll make homes attractive to buyers.
When it comes to emotions, realtors probably know how to work all the buttons of a possible buyer while staging the house as if it were fresh from the pages of a popular real estate magazine. Let’s take a brief look at some of the strategies that they employ to make homes sale faster.
Boosting Curb Appeal
Appearance is key and the body of a house dictates the trend of the interior part. The seller and their team—primarily realtors—recommend lawn mowing, the placing of flowers, and painting the front door. If the appearance of a house makes one feel like he wants to get in, there will be little or no hesitation to cross that door.
Cleanness and Smoothness
By the time buyers come and visit you in your home, they are interested in picturing themselves living there not seeing your family photos and various trinkets that you may have acquired. Agents tell their clients to stage homes by eliminating personal belongings which in a way makes it easier for buyers to envision themselves and their belongings in the house. Less is more!
Lighting and Setting the Mood
No one wishes to move through a dark, hostile structure, right? Any realtor understands the importance of lighting since it forms the basis of any buyer’s first impression. They will always fling curtains, turn on every bulb and may even bring in more lamps to make it brighter. There is nothing better than daylight, however good artificial lighting can also help a lot sometimes.
Staging for Success
Home staging basically transforms an ordinary room into a beautiful room that could be seen in a catalogue. Real estate agents move in furniture, artwork, and other items to highlight the possibilities inherent in that location. If it is a blanket on the couch or optimally located plants, staging gets the house look more homely and so buyers get the feeling to stay.
Neutral Paint Colors
Some wallpaper or a new plain colored paint work miracles. Homesellers are advised to paint the walls in pastel shades of brown or creams because these colors are easy to live with. Vivid tones repel people, whereas classics make it possible for them to think about their own look in this room. All this is just simple color psychology.
Often people can be deceived by odor, and sellers realtors are aware of it fully well. Getting the sweet smell of cookies and baked goods or even buying a few candles ensures the house has a good smell. No one’s signing on the dotted line if the house smells like last night’s fish dinner.
Highlighting Key Features
Every reputable agent knows that this is how the exceptional features of a house should look like. If there is something as spectacular as a fireplace in the house, they will ensure that the fireplace graces the center of the living room. If the backyard is large they’ll point out how suitable it is for hosting events such as parties. It is simply a matter of making people focus on the nicer features of the house and ignore the not so good ones
Professional Photography
The thing is that today’s buyers, as a rule, search for listings online even before they visit a house. Brokers spend money on good photos to ensure the house looks perfect when viewed online. A tastefully captured, well illuminated image of a property can make a buyer interested in a personal tour while a poorly illuminated picture can lead to the buyer skipping that particular property.
Creating a Sense of Space
Real estate agents understand what needs to be done to make a house look more spacious despite having small rooms. From shifting furniture pieces to hanging mirrors, they apply stunts that somehow make a given space to look larger. At other times, it only takes adjusting your furniture and eliminating large furniture only to make the room so spacious as compared to before.
Strategic Pricing
As any agent knows, the right price means everything when it comes to moving homes in a particular area quickly. A realtors analyze the market and relative houses/ apartments to suggest a price that is affordable but persuasive. Setting a price tag too high for a home tends to make a buyer run while setting a price at just the right level creates a buzz around the property and even result to a bidding frenzy.
Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.
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