10 Things You Didn’t Know Your Coffee Maker Could Do
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For many of us, coffee makers are a part of our daily lives. They are our favorite tool for making the caffeine drinks we need to kick-start our day. But you might not know these nifty devices can do far more than make your early morning coffee.
From cooking to cleaning, here are ten things you didn’t know your coffee maker could do.
Cook Oatmeal or Soup
Yes, your coffee maker can become a mini slow cooker. Add what you want and return to a meal that has been cooking all day. This use is also great for busy mornings when there isn’t enough time to make yourself food or, for example, heating soup on a cold night.
Steam Vegetables
You can save time and effort by using your coffee maker to steam vegetables. Put your washed veggies on top, wrap aluminum foil around the warming plate, and fill it with just a little water. The hot plate will produce the heat for steaming.
Make Hot Chocolate or Tea
If hot coffee isn’t your thing, it’s okay. Your coffee maker can still be helpful. You can make instant hot chocolate or tea by running hot water through the machine without grounds. Remember to clean your machine once it is finished.
Whip Up Some Whipped Cream
Yeah, your coffee maker can whip cream. Put cream and sugar in a jar, close the lid, and shake it up while placing it on the warming plate. The heat will help the cream thicken so that you can use it to make luscious whipped cream for your sweets.
Sanitize Kitchen Utensils
The hot plate of a coffee maker can be heated to sanitize kitchen utensils. Put the utensils on the warming plate covered with foil for a few minutes, and they will be disinfected. This hack is handy for things that couldn’t be washed in the dishwasher.
Clean Jewelry
Put your jewelry in a cup of warm water, add some dishwashing liquid, and run the coffee maker. The hot water will loosen dirt or grime, and the soap will help remove it. Ensure you rinse the machine well afterward.
Boil Egg
You can use a regular coffee maker as an egg steamer. Put one egg in the filter basket, fill it with water, and press start. It will be boiled and ready for breakfast or a snack in 2-3 minutes.
Warm Towels
Warm your towels using the coffee maker before showering on cold winter mornings. Cover your towel with aluminum foil and place it on the warming plate. Let it warm up as you prepare everything. It’s like having your mini spa at home.
Melt Chocolate
Chocolate is often the most difficult ingredient to melt, but your coffee maker has you covered. Fill a short jar or mug with chocolate chips on the warm plate. The coffee maker will melt the chocolate slowly without burning it, and you can use it for whatever you want.
Make Pancakes
Yes, you read that right: pancakes in a coffee maker. Prepare pancake mix and put it in a zip bag. Slice a small gap at the corner and plate it on a hot pan, like a skillet, to cook the diminutive pancakes. This hack is handy for camping when you have a pancake craving but no stove.
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