10 Surprising Ways Martha Stewart Breaks Her Own Cooking Rules

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Martha Stewart is the one person you could point to when you want to talk about perfect pies, flawless tablescapes, and dinner party etiquette. Just her name has you thinking of napkins folded just so and soups simmered just so. But even as the queen of kitchen decorum and domestic perfection, Martha, has her own little ways of breaking the rules she’s set herself over the years. Martha Stewart — yes, that Martha Stewart, the one known for her classic techniques and precise methods — sometimes goes rogue in the kitchen.

Although Martha has constructed her empire through time tested principles, she’s continually thrown us for a loop by breaking her own ‘laws’ of cooking. Rebellion, some might say; evolution, she’d say. So, let’s take a peek behind the curtain at some of the fascinating, often surprising ways Martha Stewart breaks her own rules in the kitchen. These rule breakers show a Martha that’s a little more down to earth than you might expect.

Forgoing Perfect Presentation

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Photo Credit: ELEVATE/Pexels

You probably know Martha for her picture perfect presentation, but she’s recently admitted that she doesn’t try to be perfect at every meal. She’s also found that a more casual approach to plating makes guests more comfortable, and less intimidated. Perhaps most surprising of all is this little revelation; that Martha is happy to put enjoyment before appearance, a decision sure to have endeared her even more to her fans.

Store-Bought Puff Pastry? Absolutely

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Martha knows just how notoriously difficult to make from scratch puff pastry is. The fact is, even though she prefers homemade everything, she’s actually open to the use of store bought puff pastry. It’s rewarding to make it from scratch, but not always practical, and good store bought versions can be just as delicious.

Cooking With Garlic Powder

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Martha swore by fresh garlic for years, but she’s admitted that she still has a spot in the kitchen for garlic powder. If she’s in a hurry, or if a recipe calls for an even distribution of garlic flavor, she uses the powdered one. Garlic powder can add a depth to certain recipes that Martha has long since come to appreciate.

The Three Ingredient Rule Is Broken

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Martha is famous for her three ingredient recipes and the idea that each ingredient should shine through. But she’s made exceptions for a dish she deems worthy of that more complicated hit of flavors. She will not take out a single one of the dozen or so ingredients in her homemade chili recipe, for instance. She sometimes thinks that a little complexity is worth that extra effort.

Skipping the Fancy Salt

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Martha has sung the praises of sea salts and Himalayan pink salts for years, but she also feels that it’s fine to use regular table salt in her personal cooking. Some salts give dishes special flavors, but the difference is usually small in everyday dishes. This revelation has resonated with many of her fans and it’s a nice reminder that we don’t have to have the fanciest ingredients to make good food.

Freezing Foods for Later Use

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Martha Stewart repeats one rule many times: serve the food fresh, but she has recently revealed that she also freezes soups, stews and even some baked goods. Frozen homemade soup can be as good as fresh soup if you’re in a hurry. This is a small fudge of the realities of modern life.

Canned Ingredients? Martha Says Yes

Image Credit: Andrea Davis / Pexels

Martha has long had a rule of using fresh ingredients whenever possible, but she’s been known to use canned items—like tomatoes and beans—when fresh isn’t available or out of season. In some dishes such as stews and chilis, she believes the canned versions can be just as flavorful and save hours of preparation time. It might surprise her purist fans, but it’s a reminder that the queen of freshness has a soft spot for pantry shortcuts too.

Martha Embraces the Microwave

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Martha may not have been known as a fan of the microwave lazy cooking, but in recent years, she’s been surprisingly open about using it for some recipes. She’s admitted to using the microwave to soften butter, warm up leftovers and even to cook specific dishes such as her five minute mug brownies. Her reasoning? Practicality often trumps tradition, especially when you’re under the gun and want something tasty.

Precision in Baking – Letting Go!

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Anyone who’s ever watched Martha bake would think she was born with a built in scale. In recent years, however, Martha has confessed to eyeballing some of the ingredients when baking for herself. She believes that as long as the core ratios are intact, she does not need to be rigid with exact measurements for sugar or vanilla. It has allowed her baked goods to have a little bit more of a relaxed, rustic feel. Additionally, it’s a nice reminder that even the pros can be a little loosey goosey with the precision sometimes.

The Occasional Boxed Mix

Packaged Baked Goods
Image Credit: congerdesign / Pixabay

Martha’s known for her from scratch recipes, but even Martha’s been known to grab a box mix. She’s not above a boxed cake or brownie mix when she’s in a pinch. She’s even recommended adding personal touches to them, such as fresh fruit or a little more vanilla to make them seem like they are from your kitchen. In 2020, as per Statista, more than 186 million Americans use boxed mixes for cakes, so Martha isn’t the only one giving herself a little grace in the kitchen.

Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.

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