10 Sentimental Items Marie Kondo Would Throw Out (But Should You?)

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Marie Kondo has reimagined our relationship to ‘stuff’ with her philosophy on tidying. We may be familiar with her strict rules of decluttering such as holding on to ‘the things that ‘spark joy,’ and letting go of the sentimental treasures, but sentimental items have an emotional value that can go well beyond ‘joy’. That old photograph from years ago, or that well worn teddy bear, may not bring joy in the traditional sense, but to throw it out feels like throwing out a little piece of yourself. This creates a dilemma: Should we always follow Kondo’s advice on deeply personal belongings?

In this article, we’ll explore some of sentimental items Kondo might probably discard, but ones you might want to hold on to.

Old Love Letters

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Photo Credit: Ylanite Koppens/Pexels

How can we blame anyone for throwing a box of old love letters away? What is the use of it if the relationship is over? But for many, these letters are a picture of a different life, a younger self maybe, who loved deeply and felt deeply. Letters are mirrors of our lives we have forgotten. Even if we never read them again, they make us remember how we have grown.

Children’s Artwork

Photo Credit: Pexels

Most of us know the struggle as a parent of hanging onto every last piece of our child’s artwork, from crayon scribbles to macaroni art. It’s a physical record of their development, their creativity and the sweet innocent years, to me. For parents, Kondo may suggest keeping a few “joy-sparking” pieces, but it’s not so easy. Even those crude drawings possibly include a recollection of a proud “Look, Mom!” moment. And you can’t even imagine the pleasure of showing up to these items to your child when he or she grown!

Wedding Keepsakes From a Past Marriage

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

It’s tough to find something to hold onto when a marriage has failed, but it’s tricky because wedding keepsakes are involved. If it causes you pain, it’s probably best to let go of anything that reminds you of past relationships. But divorce is complex and these mementos aren’t always sad. They may remind you of what you’ve learned, or happy memories. If these things don’t feel like the burdens of the past, but more of a reflection of growth, then you may want to keep them in a quiet drawer.

Inherited Trinkets

Pocket Watches
Image Credit: Yummymoon via pixabay

Take your grandmother’s slightly chipped teapot or your father’s old pocket watch, for example — they may not be worth much money, but they’re family history. These are heirlooms, even if Kondo would argue they’re just ‘objects’ for many. Inherited objects can play a role, as it were, in keeping the family torch burning high and imparting a sense of continuity, according to a National Institutes of Health study. Before you toss these items, think about the legacy in them, what might it mean to future generations?

School Yearbooks

Photo Credit: Letícia Alvares/Pexles

Marie Kondo’s rule for yearbooks is simple: if they don’t spark joy, they go. Notes from friends, awkward photos, memories of days that have long since passed — but yearbooks are full of it. Even if those phases make us cringe now, they’re also some of the few items that contain evidence of how we’ve evolved over time. No small thing, yearbooks can reinforce our sense of self by showing us where we’ve come from.

Travel Souvenirs

Photo Credit: Pexels

No, that snow globe collection from every vacation looks a little bit kitschy, but souvenirs of travel are more adventures and exploration. They each have a story to them, whether that’s an embarrassing story or a thrilling one. While Kondo might consider them as clutter, travellers may view these same items as chapters of their lives. A few of these items can be kept to keep the spirit of travel alive even when you’re not on the road.

The Tattered Childhood Stuffed Animals

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Photo Credit: Baltimore County Public Library / Wikimedia Commons

We all know that scruffy teddy bear isn’t doing anything for your décor, but stuffed animals have a funny way of preserving memories. It could be bedtime stories or childhood fears that seem silly now, but weren’t at the time. Stuffed animals operate as silent friends, they’re comforting because of what they represent—safety, caring and a simpler time. That teddy might just be worth giving a small corner in your closet rather than a one way trip to Goodwill.

Trophies and Awards

Photo Credit: Kaboompics.com/Pexels

Yeah, your middle school participation trophies won’t make you proud anymore, but they still tell a story of effort and growth. Perhaps you didn’t turn out to become a star athlete, but those trophies always remind you of all of those early Saturday mornings and team cohesion. While Kondo’s “joy” philosophy may be too narrow here, these trophies are goals accomplished, however small, for some. Save a few of these mementos as markers on your journey.

Concert Tickets and Souvenirs

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Image Credit: Kenny Foo/Pexels

Concert tickets are physical proof of unforgettable nights spent in sweaty crowds singing favourite songs for music lovers. Sure, they’re just scraps of paper, but they remind us of experiences that helped to form who we are. Tossing them will make a drawer clear but could wipe away a link to happy memories. A Library of Congress study found that tangible mementos, like ticket stubs, can trigger memories more vividly than digital ones, and make for worthy keepsakes.

Handwritten Family Recipes

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

If grandma’s cookie recipe is written on the back of a flour stained paper, Marie Kondo would probably suggest you type it out or digitize it. Family recipes, however, in their original form, can be as direct a connection to those who made them as any. This is about smudges, spills and worn out edges beyond ingredients. Anyone who’s ever tried to cook from one knows it’s more than just following steps, it’s about kitchen tricks for recreating memories.

Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.

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