10 Reasons Your Outdoor Patio Is Making Your Home More Vulnerable to Break-Ins

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An elaborate design of an outside patio can provide your house with an extra, special corner that can be used for leisure, company, or rest. But at the same time, there are so many things that make patios appealing to potential thieves.

Often, security is the last thing on the minds of homeowners when they are dreaming of the ideal backyard living space, but there are ways that your patio can attract burglars. Now let’s look at how patios can compromise your home security and discuss some useful ideas on how to prevent this.

Accessible Windows and Doors

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A patio is usually located very close to the entrance of your home, such as sliding doors, windows, or French doors. If some of them are within easy reach from the patio, they are also within easy reach of anyone with ill-intentions. Making small changes to the physical environment can make it harder for an intruder to get into the home, this include reinforced locks, shatterproof glass or door alarms.

Visible Valuables

Backyard Barbecues
Photo Credit: Pexels

Of course, most people like some ornamentation but such things as grills, TVs, or even luxurious patio sets may be a thief’s dream. Often when such items are out there it will send signals to outsiders that there may be lots of valuable items inside. Do not place valuable items where they are conspicuous or use a cover that will obscure their visibility.

Absence of Motion-Sensor Lighting

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Photo Credit:Towfiqu barbhuiya/Pexels

String lights look great and give off a nice glow, but they don’t really scare an intruder. With a normal lighting system that turns on at night, your patio may well be a perfect ambush for anyone who may decide to sneak into your home. Motion lights can go along way in addressing this issue since they turn on when movement is detected, possibly chasing away anyone with ill intention in the process.

Tall Fences and Shrubbery

Photo Credit: Svetlyachock/ Shutterstock

Although you may like the level of seclusion a tall fence or thick bushes offers, the same may offer intruders the best chance of entering unannounced. Plant shrubs with prickly foliage or low open-style fences that provide little or no cover, but offer the needed seclusion.

Unsecured Outdoor Storage

Photo Credit: Tanner Vote/Pexels

Sheds, storage benches or the patio box are good places to keep equipment and tools, however if unlocked, they could be used against you. Outdoor tools maybe used by burglars to open the door or window of your house. Lock your storage spaces and think of moving highly portable or valuable equipment inside as a safety measure.

Lack of Security Cameras

Red Flags That Make Your Home a Burglar's Dream
Photo Credit: Pixabay

A camera or two can help deter any would-be burglars from attempting to break into your home, yet many homeowners fail to install these outdoors. It is advisable to put surveillance cameras that will capture all the views in your patio and any other doorways in the house.

Sliding Doors

Photo Credit: Max Vakhtbovycn/Pexels

Sliding glass doors are particularly a weakness of most homes because they can be easily forced open. If you have a slider, fasten a security bar or dowel in the track to prevent easy sliding open of the door. It is a small change but it makes a lot of difference for anyone who would want to make an easy entry.

Inviting Paths or Walkways

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It may be charming to have a well lit, attractive path leading to a patio, but it is also giving burglars a guide to your front door. In case you enjoy having a lit path, think of lighting that is low to the ground and will only highlight the path and not reveal figures from a distance.

Open Sightlines Inside

Photo Credit: NIkita Shevchenko/Shutterstock

It is very beautiful to have large windows and glass doors to the patio; however, they always give a clear view of the house. Patio doors or windows can be a problem since someone can easily stand outside and look directly into the living spaces. An option to close the view from outside is to use blinds, shades or tinted glass in order not to lose the light.

Loose Furnishing

Outdoor Patio With Brown Wicker Furniture Sofa Set
Photo Credit: Souranshi Fashion and Lifestyle Magazine/Pexels

If done incorrectly outdoor furniture is capable of providing a criminal with more than a comfortable seating. Big, loose and bulky furnitures can be easily lifted or moved around to function as a ladder. Secure outside furniture when not in use.

Hidden Spare Keys

Red Flags That Make Your Home a Burglar's Dream
Photo Credit: Crime Prevention Program City of Portland Oregon/Flickr

Even such cliched tricks as leaving the spare key under the flower pot or doormat on the patio are familiar to most burglars. Instead of having a doormat with a big sign pointing to your door, think about getting a padlock or leaving a spare key with a friend.

Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.

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