10 Items You’re Hoarding That Are Actually Expired

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Hoarding is something many people have done at one time or the other. Whether it is holding on to clothes ‘just in case’ or not knowing that food has gone out of date, people sometimes just can’t seem to let go of certain things.

These products, if kept for long, become unsafe for consumption and also occupy important space. Are you hoarding any of such items? Read on to find out.


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Well, you might think that spices are something that can never go bad, but they do. Although they don’t cause illness, expired spices become flavorless, so that old jar of oregano won’t benefit your pasta. If it has been in circulation for a few years and has a smell that resembles dust more than it does spice, it is time to discard it.


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The mascara you’ve been using for over a year? It must be full of bacteria by now. Liquid and cream type of makeup products have a short lifespan which ranges between six months to one year. When using products that have reached their expiry date, one is likely to develop skin rash or acne.


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Many people have use sunscreen, but don’t know that expired sunscreen won’t protect them. Sunscreen degrades; therefore it will not shield you from those dangerous UV rays. Look at the date and if it has gone by, then it is time to get a new bottle and protect your skin.

Cleaning Supplies

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Image Credit: Ellie Burgin/ Pexels

The all-purpose cleaner you’ve been using to clean the bathroom might not be as effective as it was some time back. The effectiveness of many cleaning products decreases after approximately two years, particularly those products that contain disinfecting agents.


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Look in your medicine cabinet; you will find bottles of cough syrup and other medicines that have long passed their expiry dates. Drugs can become less effective once they reach their expiry, and some can actually become dangerous. It will do you a world of good if you can declutter your medicine cabinet from time to time.

Canned Goods

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We all have that one can of soup or beans in the back of the pantry that we’ve forgotten about. But just because it’s canned doesn’t mean it’s good forever. According to TODAY.com, The shelf life of most canned foods is two to five years and while they are not perishable they may start to deteriorate in terms of taste and texture.


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If you are trying to get the very last bit of toothpaste from a tube that has been in the bathroom for years, then it is time for a change. Most toothpaste has a shelf life of two years; therefore, using it beyond this period is disadvantageous because the fluoride may not be effective in protecting your teeth.


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Do you have a drawer full of batteries that have been used and left unused? Unfortunately, they do not last a lifetime. Batteries do not last forever and when they get old they can leak or corrode. You might harm your electronics or even cause a safety issue if you use batteries that have gone bad.


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Photo Credit: Ron Lach/Pexels

That old perfume that you bought in college? It might not smell as sweet as it used to be either. Perfume has a shelf life of about three to five years, and if it is left for long, the scent may become bad.

Cooking Oil

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According to From Nature With Love, oils, including the olive oil or vegetable oil, easily get rancid in the process of time if stored for long or inadequately. Rancid oil may have a bad smell and taste, and it’s not good for your body as well.

Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.

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