10 Food Items You Should Never Store in Your Refridgerator

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As convenient as storing all your food items in the fridge may be, not all foods are meant to be refrigerated. Some foods can lose flavor and spoil faster when stored in a refrigerator’s cold temperatures.

To help you avoid making this mistake, here is a list of 10 food items that should never be stored in your fridge.


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Tomatoes are the epitome of summertime and are a staple in many dishes. However, when stored in the fridge, they can quickly lose flavor and become mealy in texture. It is best to store tomatoes at room temperature until ripe and then consume or cook them.


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Storing bread in the fridge may seem like a good idea to keep it fresh longer, but it can do more harm than good. The cool temperature causes the bread to dry out and become stale faster. It is best to store bread in a cool, dry place such as a pantry or bread box.


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Onions have a strong odor that can easily transfer to other foods when stored in the fridge. Additionally, the moisture in the refrigerator can cause onions to become moldy and soft. It is best to store them in a cool, dry place outside the fridge.


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Storing potatoes in the fridge can alter their texture and make them gritty when cooked. The cold temperature also converts starches into sugars, resulting in a sweeter taste. It is recommended to store potatoes in a cool, dark place like a pantry or cellar.


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Avocados are another food that should not be refrigerated until they are ripe. Putting unripe avocados in the fridge will slow the ripening process and prevent them from reaching full flavor potential.


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Garlic has a strong odor that can permeate other foods in the fridge. The moisture in the refrigerator can also cause garlic cloves to become moldy. It is best to store garlic at room temperature in a well-ventilated area.


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Honey is naturally antibacterial and does not require refrigeration. Storing it in the fridge can cause it to crystallize and become thick and difficult to use. Keep honey at room temperature for easy pouring and consumption.

Coffee Beans

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Contrary to popular belief, storing coffee beans in the fridge will not keep them fresher longer. The moisture from the refrigerator can cause the beans to lose their flavor and absorb other odors. It is best to store coffee beans in an airtight container at room temperature.

Fresh Herbs

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Storing fresh herbs in the fridge can cause them to wilt and lose flavor. Instead, trim the stems and place them in a jar of water on your counter. This process will keep them fresh for longer, just like a flower bouquet.


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Photo Credit:Yelena Odintsova/Pexels

Bananas are another fruit that should not be stored in the fridge until they are ripe. The cold temperature can cause the skin to turn brown and make the flesh mushy. Keep bananas at room temperature until ripe, then refrigerate if necessary.

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