10 Everyday Habits That Are Draining Your Home’s Energy

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While you may believe you are doing everything required to lower your power usage and consequently cut your energy bills, some small measures could inadvertently reduce your home’s power. That means they add to your carbon footprint and leave you paying more to utility companies.

Let’s examine ten common everyday habits that may be draining your home of energy and suggest some simple changes to help reduce your energy use.

Leaving Electronics on Standby

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Most habitually leave their electronics on standby mode while not in use. Yes, it may seem easier to keep these electronics in standby mode all the time, but this only uses more energy and will add to your electrical bill. Disconnect your chargers or invest in smart plugs—a smart power strip turns off unused devices.

Showering for Long Periods

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That relaxing feeling from a long shower is not so great when you realize how much energy went down the drain. The more you shower, the more hot water is consumed, and it takes energy to heat it. A quick shower—5 minutes—is the way to go. You can also opt for low-flow showerheads to help reduce water use.

Not Using Natural Light

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The other classic waste of energy is having the lights on when the sun shines. Open the curtains or blinds daily to allow natural light inside your home. This approach also reduces energy usage and provides some of the essential vitamin D we need from sun exposure.

Switching the Air Conditioner On and Off

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You might think you can save power by turning off your air conditioner when you leave home, but you will waste energy if you keep turning it on and off all the time. When the temperature inside your home rises, your air conditioner has to work harder and consume more energy to cool down again. Instead, set your AC at a consistent temperature and use fans to circulate cool air throughout the room.

Overloading Your Appliances

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Overloading appliances such as washing machines and dishwashers will reduce efficiency, increase energy consumption, and potentially damage them. Use each appliance at the recommended load size.

Running Half-Full Refrigerators

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Physics Forum reports that leaving a half-full or empty refrigerator or freezer running uses more energy than needed and costs more money. Fill the empty spaces with water bottles or containers to decrease the cold air that escapes when you open the door.

Not Turning Off Lights When Leaving a Room

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Leaving lights on in unoccupied rooms is an easy habit that wastes energy. This habit is simple to form because it takes more effort to remember to shut off your lights when you leave the room. Get into the habit of turning out lights when you leave a room and put in motion sensors or timer light switches.

Not Adjusting Thermostat Settings

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Leaving your thermostat at a constant temperature, regardless of the weather outside, can lead to excessive energy consumption. Adjust your thermostat according to the season and dress appropriately for the temperature inside your home.

Underloading Your Appliances

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Underloading your appliances wastes as much energy as overloading them. Did you know that running a half-full dishwasher or washing machine takes the same power as running a full load? Do not use the appliance until you have enough items to fill it.

Using Energy-Intensive Appliances at Peak Hours

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Using ovens, washing machines, and dryers increases electricity during peak demand and costs. According to Cedar Creek Energy, most utility providers charge a higher rate during peak times when energy demand is the highest. Use these appliances at off-peak times, such as early morning and late evening, to save energy and lower your bills.

Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.

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