10 Daily Habits at Home That Are Wrecking Your Health

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There are little things you do day in and day out that you don’t even think about. These routine happen without you even noticing. From the choices you make at home like how you sit on the couch to how you handle cleaning products; all these can affect your well-being in a huge way.

It’s easy to dismiss the damage, but no need to go into full panic mode. We are here to help you with our list of daily habits that may be wrecking your health, so you can avoid or manage them better.

Slouching on the Couch

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Many of us are guilty of this one, sinking deep in the couch, slouched over after a very long day. However, when you sit hunched over, poor posture for long hours, you put stress on your spine and muscles causing back pain and even headaches. Standing up straight can have such an effect. So, if that sounds too tough, use pillows to provide support to your back.

Skipping Breakfast

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You’ve probably heard this thousand times over, but not skipping breakfast isn’t doing your body any favors. Your metabolism slows down if you don’t fuel up in the morning and you tend to overeat. Plus, if you skip breakfast, your blood sugar drops, and you hustle into the first mid morning meeting sluggish and in need of all the wrong foods.

Using Your Phone in Bed

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Although scrolling through social media or just watching videos before you go to bed might relax you, the blue light from your phone doesn’t help you get quality sleep. It makes your brain believe it’s the day, and makes sleeping harder and the rest quality poorer. Eat your protein source at least 30 minutes before going to bed and see if you don’t sleep better.

Ignoring Household Dust

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According to Cleveland Clinic, dust can be loaded with allergens that can irritate your lungs if you have asthma or allergies, and it can seem completely harmless. It is everywhere, collecting on shelves, fans and curtains, and can make you sneeze, itchy eyes, even cause you respiratory problems. Keeping your home dust free with a microfiber cloth can also help keep you and your sinuses healthy.

Sitting for Too Long

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Sitting for long periods of time isn’t just bad for your posture, it’s also linked to a host of health problems, from heart disease to muscles that are weaker. Every hour, it’s good to take a break to stretch or move around. A quick walk around the house can even help your blood to begin flowing again.

Overusing Chemical Cleaners

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Image Credit: Ellie Burgin/ Pexels

Many of these chemical heavy cleaning products release toxic fumes into the air, and if they aren’t in a well ventilated area, you end up breathing it in. According to American Lung Association, chemical cleaning products irritate your lungs and skin, with long term exposure. Swap some of your cleaning products for gentler, eco friendly ones.

Drinking Too Much Coffee

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Image Credit: pikwizard

Sometimes we all dig that great cup of coffee, however if you have had too much you are going to wind up dehydrated, jitters and even your intestinal tract will suffer. Coffee is a diuretic — it makes you pee more than you drink, so after two cups a day stick to only one or two and aim to hydrate with water.

Staring at Screens All Day

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Even if you are looking at your computer, television, or phone, looking at screens for hours straight will cause strain on your eyes and leave you with headaches, blurry vision and dry eyes. Breaks to rest your eyes are easy to forget, but it’s not uncommon to spend a lot of time in work or entertainment. Try following the 20-20-20 rule: For 20 seconds, every 20 minutes, look at something that is 20 feet away.

Neglecting Indoor Plants

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Plain weird it might seem, but your plants in the house actually help you a lot with your well being. They also purify air and even decrease stress levels. You miss out on these benefits if you don’t actually add a little greenery. Take a low maintenance plant like a snake plant or spider plant to freshen up the space, and yourself.

Bad Ventilation While Cooking

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Cooking without turning on the fan or opening a window just to make meals in the kitchen could be adding smoke and fumes to your home. Long term, this can hurt your lungs and leave odors in your home that will last. Always ventilate your kitchen when cooking, and if you don’t have a range hood open a window to take the fresh air out.

Disclaimer: This list is solely the author’s opinion based on research and publicly available information.

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